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"Ah Renjun" Jeno groans, slightly out of breath as his body stretched upwards. Renjun only laughed at his fiancé as he reached for the attic string. The brunette brings his camera to his face and snaps a photo. "Junnie, will you put that thing down and come and help me?" Jeno finally drops his arm, turning to face the giggling boy.

"Your taller than me, what help would I be" he says, putting his camera down anyway and moving closer to Jeno who gripped his waist.

"I'm going to lift you up and your going to pull the cord" he explains before placing a kiss to Renjun's forehead and lifting him up, watching as the older boy's body stretched to reach the string.

"Got it" he announces and Jeno lowers him to the ground, stepping out of the way as the ladder slowly slides out.

It had been a year since his parents had been on trial. Turns out his father never actually murdered anyone and the other murders we're done by a completely different person, which was also Jeno's first ever official case.
His mother was found not guilty however his father was sentenced to twelve years in prison and six months probation on release. It took a few weeks for everything to sink in, for Jeno's brain to process everything that had happened but he slowly got better. Realising that what had happened was in the past and he needed to move forward.

Him and Renjun had been saving for months to be able to buy a house together and move in. It took time but they finally gathered enough to buy a two bedroom home in a quiet neighbourhood. They even had some money to spare which Jeno used to buy Renjun a beautiful engagement ring.

Jaemin's shoulder healed fine although he tried to whine about it as much as he could. He had graduated university and got a very well paid job as a therapist, meaning he had enough money to go live alone. It wasn't long before he had moved out of the small apartment.

Everything had turned out okay and Jeno couldn't have been happier. He smiles to himself at the thought but is soon distracted by the sound of Renjun. "Okay I'm up" he says, shuffling around in the attic and peering down at Jeno. "Pass the boxes"

Jeno bends and beings handing over large cardboard boxes which were all labelled 'attic'. Most of the boxes were filled with Renjun's photographs and old camera equipment he didn't use very often.

The two boys spend around an hour bringing boxes up and pushing them into small alcoves of the attic so that it doesn't take up too much room. It took longer than they had intended it to as Renjun had walked into a cobweb and freaked out causing Jeno to collapse with laughter only to stand back up and hit his head on a low wooden beam.

"Well that was difficult" Renjun huffs, helping Jeno close the attic back up and turning to look at his fiancé.

"Only because we made it difficult" Jeno laughs, pulling Renjun closer to him and resting his hands on his hips. "Are you hungry?"
Renjun nods, a smile forming on his lips as he knew what Jeno was going to ask next.
"Which take out do we get tonight?"

They had been living off take outs for the past two days since their kitchen had not yet been fitted meaning they couldn't cook. Most of their other furniture hadn't yet been delivered yet either.
Renjun hums as he thinks, his eyes lighting up when a thought comes to his mind. "Pizza?"

Jeno smiles and places a kiss to the brunette's soft pink lips. "Pizza it is"


They both sit on the living room floor, a laptop open in front of them and an empty pizza box tossed to the side.
Jeno scrolls through Netflix, looking for something to watch. "Any suggestions?" He asks, turning to look at Renjun who smiles .

"How about the notebook?"
His mind goes back to that first night when Jeno had kissed him. His stomach feeling the same butterflies in that moment.

"Really?" Jeno asks, a little shocked at the older boys choice but earns an eager nod in response. "Promise you won't cry this time?"

Renjun scoffs and roll his eyes "only if you promise not to pin me against the door and kiss me like last time"
Jeno only raises a brow, the smile and expectant look not shifting from his face. "I take it back I want you to do that" he rushes, a small blush tinting his cheeks.

Jeno laughs before turning the movie on and scooting back against the wall, pulling the large fluffy blanket over their bodies.
Renjun shuffles around and rests his head against Jeno's shoulder, feeling a kiss being pressed to his head. He snakes his arms around Jeno's waist, hugging him tightly, inhaling the always intoxicating sent of his cologne.


"I love you so much" he says, his eyes drifting up to meet his lovers.

"I love you too Junnie" He hugs Renjun tightly, the smile still on his lips and the giddy feeling in his stomach that always seems to appear when he was beside Renjun. No matter how much time they spent together.

A/N: *Mark's voice "it's overrrrrr!"*  ಥ_ಥ

Photographs; Noren NCTWhere stories live. Discover now