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"Sorry it took a few days" Jeno mumbles with a forced laugh as he takes a seat on the opposite side of the large wooden desk. He had decided to wait until Yeri's girlfriend, Seulgi, had come back before leaving. He just needed to know there was someone there to keep an eye on her. He would have asked his parents but they seemed pretty out of it right now.

"It's fine, I'm just glad you agreed to come" Jaehyun smiles comfortingly as he pulls a notebook from one of the drawers in the desk and places it in front of him before grabbing a pen. "Now Jeno, I want you to explain what happened that night with as much detail as you can. If at any point you would like to stop, just let me know and I'll stop the recording, okay?" He asks only to earn a nod from the younger boy.

Jaehyun reaches over and pressed record on the small voice recorder that also sat on the desk.
Jeno tires to explain everything in as much detail as he could, the whole thing playing out in his mind like a movie on repeat.

Jaehyun writes down a few personal notes but spent most of the time listening to what Jeno had to say, after all it was being recorded.

By the time it was over Jeno was trying to fight the tears that threatened to fall from his eyes and Jaehyun hands him a tissue before stopping the voice recorder.

"You did brilliantly" he says only to earn a weak smile in response. He signs a few papers for Jaehyun before he let him go.

As Jeno was walking to the door he suddenly stops and turns around to look at the busy looking man. "May I ask you something?"

Jaehyun's head shoots up, he looked a little shocked but nodded nonetheless.
Jeno sat back into his previous chair and hesitated before letting the words fall from his mouth.

"I want to help with the case"

To say Jaehyun was shocked was an understatement, he was completely taken aback.

"I know you'll probably say no but I-I've been thinking, since you came by the hospital, I'm angry, I'm done moping around and I want to help catch the bastard that did this to my sister" he explains, watching Jaehyun's conflicted expression.

"I'll have to ask the other detective that is working on the case, as much as I would like for you to help out, all must agree" he says earning a nod of understanding.

Jaehyun picks up the phone on his desk before dialling a number and saying a few words before he places it back down. "He shouldn't be long" he smiles at Jeno, thinking for a moment.
"Are you sure you want to do this, some of the things we see, they're not always plesant".

Jeno only sighs "I know, but I'm willing to take those risks, I just need to be a part of this. It was my sister that was hurt and it doesn't sit well with me knowing I'm not doing anything to help hunt this guy down".

Before Jaehyun could answer his office door is swung open and in comes a guy with fluffy bronze hair and a sassy scowl on his face, followed by a shorter boy who had deep brown hair and seemed to look a little underdressed in comparison to the other two men. Jeno recognised him as the one that had helped him earlier.

"Oh Renjun come join, your working on this case too" Jaehyun says to the brunette who looked as if he was about to walk away.

"Umm, o-okay" was his only response before he closed the door and joined the redheads side behind the large desk.

"So, Jeno here would like to help out on the case. I am personally all for it, but I wanted to ask your opinions first" Their boss explains and the redhead almost scoffs.

"Are you kidding me? He would break down into a pool of tears within seconds, we'd never get any work done" he crosses his arms over his chest as he eyes Jeno.

"Renjun? How about you?"
The brunette looks up from the floor, a little shocked that he was being included in this decision.
"You'll be working with him too, it's only right you have a say".

Renjun looked towards Jeno, he thought it was a little wrong that they were making these decisions right in front of him. He's already going through a lot of shit, the last thing he needed was negative comments.

"Um, well, maybe he could be the determination we need on this case" he mumbles earning a smile from both Jeno and Jaehyun.

"Donghyuck, do you have anything to add?" The man asks as he looks back at the glaring boy.
His eyes were still burning holes into Jeno's forehead.

He lets out a groan "I'll give him a week, if he's proving to be a distraction to the case then he's out" he huffs and Jeno smiles a little more.

"Then it's settled, Jeno you are now officially helping this case, I wish you all the luck." Jaehyun's bright smile was back.

Donghyuck pushes past the brunette before leaving the office.
"Oh Renjun, why don't you show Jeno out whilst I file some of these papers" his boss suggests only to earn a nod.

Renjun moves for the door motioning for Jeno to follow him out.

The two boys walk down the light corridor in silence before Renjun decides to speak up.
"Your very brave".

Jeno looks towards the shorter boy, a smile playing on his lips. "Not really."

"I know I wouldn't want to help if I were in your position" Renjun laughs a little to try and lighten the mood, hoping the other didn't take offence.

"Well, everyone is different I guess" he shrugs only to earn a nod from the brunette.

"I'm Renjun by the way, I'm the forensic photographer working on the case" he smiles, slowing his walking down so he could shake the others hand.

"Jeno" he returns the smile and Renjun was instantly taken aback a little. His smile was lovely.
"So your not a detective?" He questions as they start to walk towards the door of the police station.

"No, that's Donghyuck's job. He may seem harsh at first but I assure you he is very talented at his job". He explains only to earn a hum of understanding.

They stand beside the automatic doors for a moment before Renjun decides to give Jeno some advice.

"You should probably get a good nights sleep, the hours seem to last longer when you work a job like this".
Jeno nods and thanks the older boy before leaving the station.
Renjun watches as he walks towards his car and gets in. He hoped Jeno would be okay on this case, the last thing he wanted was for Jeno to end up more upset than he was to start off with.

"Renjun get your ass over here! I need those photos you took" Donghyuck's annoying voice yells from his office.

Renjun sighs slightly, taking one last glance outside only to see Jeno's car drive off before grabbing a folder and making his way to the impatient redhead.

Photographs; Noren NCTWhere stories live. Discover now