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Jeno pulls up outside of the hospital. Unlike the day before, the sun was out and was sprinkling everything with it's beautiful warm rays. If the large puddles of rain water weren't visible it would feel as if yesterday never happened.

He walks through the main entrance, smiling sweetly at the nurse behind the counter before making his way to Yeri's room. He held a bunch of lilies in his hand as he knew they were his sisters favourite, although the smell was a little too strong for Jeno's tastes.

Carefully he slides the door open and sees Yeri sat up, a smile on her lips and her hand placed inside of Seulgi's. Once she spots her brother her smile brightens.
"Jeno!" She cheers, she sounded almost childlike but Jeno knew that she was just happy to see him.

"Hey noona, how are you feeling?" He asks, handing over the bunch of flowers to Selulgi to put in some water.

"Eh I've been better" she shrugs, a hint of a smile still playing on her lips. "How are you doing?"
It shocked Jeno that his sister was laying in a hospital bed yet was asking if he was okay.

"I'm fine, I feel better now I've seen you awake" he says as he takes a seat beside her bed.

A slight jingle fills the room and Jeno watches as Seulgi pulls her phone from her hoodie pocket "oh, I need to take this. Jeno are you okay staying here for a moment" she asks only to earn a nod from the boy before leaving the room.

Yeri lets out a groan and rests her head back against her pillow. "Jeno I can't wait for this to all blow over. Once I'm out of here I want to hear nothing more of this" she mutters, he eyes falling closed as she spoke.

Jeno bites his lip, debating whether to tell her that he's helping out on the case. He knew she wouldn't like it, but maybe if he explained himself she would understand.

"Noona I have something to tell you" he looks down at his hands, his fingers fidgeting slightly as he spoke.

"What is it?"

A moment of silence passes before he decides to speak up "I'm helping out on the case to catch the guy that did this to you".
His words were rushed and he could see the moment they processed in his sisters head. Her eyes opened and she glances at Jeno.

"You what?"

"I'm sorry, I had too. I was angry, I still am, I just want to catch this guy before anyone else gets hurt" he tries to explain himself but Yeri still looked rather annoyed.

"Jeno your so stupid do you know that?"she sighs, shuffling slightly to sit up more. She winces in pain and presses her palm to her stomach as she eases herself up a little more. "It's nice to know you care, but he didn't kill me..."

"He could have!"
Jeno didn't mean to snap at her. Yeri could be extremely stubborn sometimes and Jeno couldn't stand it. Did she not understand that she could have been killed. The doctors told Jeno themselves that if the blade had been one centimetre to the right it would have severed a vital artery and she would have been dead in seconds.

Before Yeri could reply, they both turn their heads when the doors slide open and Seulgi wanders back into the room, a smile on her face.

"Were not done talking about this" Yeri points a stern finger at her brother as she spoke.

"Okay just please don't tell anyone, not even mum and dad know, so just keep it between us?" His eyes were pleading. He didn't want his parents knowing, if they found out they would stop him immediately.
If Jeno was pulled from helping out on the case then he would play no part in catching the sick bastard that tried to murder his sister. He would also probably never see Renjun again.

The thought soon disappeared when he heard his sister speak up "Fine"

He lets out a sigh of relief as he leans back in the chair.
"Thanks for the lilies by the way" she smiles over at him and he returns it.

"No problem".

Photographs; Noren NCTWhere stories live. Discover now