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Jeno knocks on the door once waiting for it to open. If Renjun's roommate wasn't in there he was screwed as Renjun hadn't given Jeno a key.

He knocks one more time and hears a yell followed by the sound of shuffling around. The click of the lock turns to reveal a boy with light brown hair wearing a sweater and jeans. His hair was a little messy and Jeno could see that the inside of the apartment was covered in revision notes.
"Can I help you?"

Jeno snaps his attention back to the boy in front of him. "My name is Jeno, Renjun asked me to get his other camera for him, he said you would know where it is" he explains, instantly seeing the expression change on the boy's face.

"Ohhh, so your Jeno" the boy smirks as he stands aside "come on in, I'll go get the camera".

Jeno steps into the apartment and gently closes the door behind him. He didn't know why but he felt a small pang of jealousy hit him. Renjun's roommate was rather good looking and Jeno couldn't help but wonder whether Renjun had ever felt anything towards him.

He quickly shakes the thoughts from his head, he was letting his mind drift. Instead he lets his eyes wander around the small apartment and they land on a picture frame. The photo was the same one Jeno had seen in the dark room of the boy in the flower field, which he now recognised as Renjun's roommate. Jaemin was it? That sounded right.

"Here you go" Jaemin walks back into the room with a camera in hand which he holds out for Jeno to take.
"Sooo..." his voice trails off, his eyes drifting over Jeno's body slightly before they meet his own eyes once again. "...are you and Renjun close?"

Jeno wasn't expecting that. He came here to collect a camera, he didn't expect to be questioned by Renjun's roommate.
Jaemin had his arms crossed over his chest and a brow raised.

"Um, not really" Jeno's reply sounded rather unsure and Jaemin picked up on it right away.

"Renjun mentions your name from time to time, although he doesn't talk about you much. Just wondered how close you were" he shrugs a little and Jeno can't help but feel a little disappointed.

Renjun didn't talk about him? He didn't know why but the thought of Renjun rambling on about Jeno seemed absolutely adorable to him and it was kind of disappointing that that's not what he did.
"We're just working together at the moment". Jeno offers the boy an eye smile which the other instantly returns.

"Yeah, I heard"
Jeno didn't know why but Jaemin looked at him as if he knew something Jeno didn't. Maybe he was just being paranoid.

Quickly snapping back to reality he reminds himself of what he's doing "well, thanks for the camera, I should be going" he smiles once again before shuffling back over to the door, Jaemin following close behind.

"Jeno can I ask you something?"
Jaemin leans against the doorway, a more serious look taking over his features.
Jeno only nods, waiting for the other to speak.
"Have Renjun's flirting skills improved, because they used to be really bad when we were in school"

Jeno's eyes widen a little. Renjun's flirting skills? How should he know, and why was Jaemin asking him this?

"Um, I wouldn't know" he mutters, not completely sure how he was supposed to answer a question like that.

Jaemin slumped slightly and shakes his head "yup, that definitely means his flirting skills are still shit" he rolls his eyes slightly and stands straight, placing his hand on the handle.
"Okay, well have a nice day Jeno"
And with that the door closed leaving a rather confused Jeno on the other side.

He decides not to think about that too much. Maybe it was just some silly game Renjun and Jaemin play or some sort of inside joke he wasn't a part of.

He moves down the corridors of the apartment building his mind still miles away. So far away that he didn't see the person coming towards him causing them to bump into each other.

"Oh, I'm sorry" Jeno says quickly with an apologetic smile. The man only waves Jeno off before moving past him.

Jeno didn't know why but the man seemed rather familiar, he was sure he had seen those eyes somewhere before.
He watches as he unlocks the door opposite Renjun's apartment and steps inside, the door closing once again.

Jeno shrugs the thought away before continuing down the corridor and out to his car, Renjun's camera safely in his arms.

Photographs; Noren NCTWhere stories live. Discover now