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The two boys decided to stay in the arcade for a while, playing random games such as Mario Kart which Renjun also won causing Jeno to pout a little. He soon got over his small tantrum when he beat him at the basketball game, him scoring ten whereas Renjun barely got one in the hoop.

Before leaving Jeno had won Renjun a huge moomin plushie on one of the claw machines and he swore he had never seen Renjun look so happy before. The older boy hugged it the whole way home, thanking Jeno over and over for winning it.
Was it wrong for Jeno to be extremely jealous of a stuffed animal?

Jeno pulls the car up outside of Renjun's apartment building before turning the engine off, both boys sat in silence. It started to rain causing the car to seem rather loud as the droplets of water hit the roof.
"Jeno?" Renjun's soft voice says and the younger boy hums in response. "I really don't want this night to end"

Jeno smiles brightly, reaching over and kissing Renjun's beautiful soft lips.
"I love kissing you"

Renjun laughs and places his hands on Jeno's cheeks before placing one last lingering kiss on his lips.
"I should get going" he says and Jeno nods, leaning back over to his side.
He unbuckles the seatbelt and opens the door "thank you for tonight...it's the most fun I've had in ages"

"Same here"
For a moment Renjun doesn't move, his eyes still on the younger boy.



"I can see myself loving you too" and with that Renjun gets out of the car, shutting the door and giving Jeno a small wave before running inside the apartment building to avoid getting wet from the rain.

Jeno bites his lip hard to try and suppress the huge smile on his lips. If felt like such a long time ago since he was this happy.
The whole drive home he couldn't think of anything other than Renjun. His smile, his laugh, his eyes. Everything about that boy was beautiful.
He tried to concentrate on the wet road that reflected the bright streetlights, but Renjun wouldn't shift from his head.

Luckily he didn't live far and found himself home soon enough. Parking the car and jogging into the house. The house seemed incredibly quiet making the faint ticking of the clock sound loud.

After removing his shoes and wet jacket he quickly moves into the living room, throwing himself onto the couch before switching the TV on.
He knew it was wrong but his mind started to think over all of the things he had done wrong on the date. Like maybe laser tag wasn't the best idea? Although they did get some privacy in the dark maze so maybe that was a good choice.
He also wondered whether he should have walked Renjun to his door. He had seen it many times in movies where they would walk their date to the front door and kiss passionately before leaving.

Quickly he mutes the TV and grabs his phone deciding that he should probably check Renjun got in okay. Anything could happen on his way up to his apartment. He could have fallen down the stairs, someone could have hurt him.

The phone rang for a few seconds before it was picked up. "Renjun!" Jeno beams but frowns when he's met with silence. His heart drops slightly and he moves himself to the edge of the couch.

"Jeno?" The voice on the other end was shaky and hushed. "Jeno...help".

He didn't have to be told twice, he ends the call, jumps up from the couch and was out the door within seconds. Running along the wet pavements as the car would be too much of a hassle. The rain was soaking through his clothes but he didn't care, all he cared about was Renjun.


Renjun's smile was huge as he walked up the stairs of his apartment building. He had never been on a date like that before. It was fun and Jeno was amazing, the best combination for a great date.

Renjun turns the handle of his front door and pushed it open. "Jaemin you never guess-" a hand covers Renjun's mouth and drags him backwards, backing him into the bathroom.
He fights the hand, panic washing over him. When the hand finally moved he spins around and lets out a sigh of relief when he sees Jaemin.
"Jae wha-" he was cut off again when Jaemin places his finger over his own lips.

"Renjun, there's someone in the apartment. I locked him in one of the bedrooms and hid in here until you got back" Jaemin shakily whispers, his eyes glazed with tears.

There was someone in their house? All the things Jeno had told him come rushing back to his mind in that moment. Their neighbour.
He knew Jeno wouldn't lie.
"Wait, where's Jisung?"

"He left a while ago. Before he arrived" Jaemin looks down as he spoke. Renjun could see there was a small scratch on his cheek and another on his forearm. He must have put up a fight.

"Are you alright?" Renjun asks as he takes a washcloth, dampening it in the sink before moving back over to his roommate.

"I'm fine" he winces slightly as Renjun pressed the hot cloth to his cheek. "Jun nows not the time. What the fuck are we supposed to do?"

Renjun thinks for a while, his heart beating at an alarming rate. "Have you called the police?" He asks earning a head shake.

"I thought if he knew the police were coming he would run away. I remember what you told me about Jeno's case."
They could hear the bedroom door being pounded and they knew it was only a matter of minutes before it gave way. And if he could knock down the bedroom door then he could sure as hell knock down the bathroom one.
Renjun could see Jaemin was panicking, his tears now rolling down his cheeks. Quickly he wraps his arms around the older boy and buries his face into Renjun's neck. "I'm scared" he whispers.

Before Renjun can say anything back his phone rings and he quickly answers it to shut it up, bringing it to his ear. "Renjun!" Jeno's cheery voice could be heard on the other end causing an idea to pot into Renjun's head.

"Jeno?" His voice was shaky as he tries to hold back tears, his arm still tightly gripping onto Jaemin. "Jeno...help".

A/N: was this bad? I feel like this was bad.

Photographs; Noren NCTWhere stories live. Discover now