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"You actually came?" Jeno stood wide eyed as he watched his sister walk through the police station doors, Seulgi close to her side.

"Don't get too excited, I only came so they could find this guy quickly so you can leave" she mutters, her hand was hovering over her stomach slightly as she walked but she didn't seem to be in pain, she was just being careful.

Yeri had been discharged from hospital last week, a few days after Jeno and Renjun's star gazing trip.
Jeno had asked her if she could come and make a statement however she kept brushing him off each time he asked. After asking over five times he decided to give up, explaining to Jaehyun that his sister was stubborn and wasn't going to come. However, here she was, coming to make a statement.

"Are you going to be okay?" Although Yeri put on a brave face, he knew this mustn't be easy for her. Having all of those memories from that night come flooding back to her may affect her more than she thinks.

"Jeno I'll be fine" her voice was soft and she gave him a warm smile before engulfing him in a hug which Jeno instantly returned.

Him and Yeri had always been incredibly close. They were practically best friends, the whole sibling aspect was just a bonus. Having come close to loosing not only his sister, but his best friend had truly made Jeno realise how much he had to cherish each and every moment they spent together.

"Jeno would you be able to-" a voice starts, stopping suddenly causing Jeno and Yeri to pull away from the hug.
Renjun stood with his camera in hand, his eyes focused on Yeri.

"Oh, Renjun this is Yeri, my sister, and this is Seulgi her girlfriend" Jeno introduces them and the two girls send a small wave towards the brunette.

"Nice to meet you" Renjun smiles sweetly, he bows his head slightly in respect.

Before anything else could be said Jaehyun exits his office. The moment his eyes land on Yeri, Jeno could see the relief settle over his features.

Yeri greets Jaehyun and explains that she had changed her mind, of course Jaehyun was over the moon. She drags Seulgi into the office with her, claiming that she wasn't going to make a statement without her by her side, and Jaehyun reluctantly agreed.

As soon as the door shut Renjun turns to look at Jeno "your sister seems nice"

Jeno nods, the smile still on his face "she is".

"She's really pretty"
At that comment Jeno turned his head slightly to look over at Renjun who was flicking through the photographs on his camera. He didn't know why he felt a small jolt of jealousy shoot through him.

"What?" He asks the question without thinking, cursing himself for thinking out loud.

Renjun moves his eyes from the camera and back up to Jeno "I said she's pretty" he smiles, the same sweet smile he always wore "it must run in your family".

Jeno's heart was pounding. Did that mean Renjun thought he was pretty? Did he mean it in a mocking way or was that a genuine compliment? It sounded genuine enough.

"So what did you need me for?" Jeno quickly changes the subject, deciding that Renjun was just being as polite as always.

"Huh?" He looks up from his camera a little confused but realisation soon comes over him "oh, I was wondering if you would be able to do me a favour but it doesn't matter I can do it myself" with a one last smile he moves past Jeno and towards Donghyuck's office.

"Wait" Jeno grabs the older boys arm causing him to tense up but he soon relaxes, his brown eyes moving to Jeno's "I can do it, what do you need?"

Renjun bit his lip slightly and Jeno had to focus on keeping his eyes elsewhere. "I was wondering if you would be able to drop by my apartment and pick up my other camera, I have to go to a meeting in twenty minutes with Donghyuck regarding another case" he explains and Jeno nods.

"I can do that, don't worry about it"

"Are you sure?" Renjun gently pulls his arm from Jeno's grip and the younger boy nods "thank you so much. My roommate should be home so just ask him for the camera, he knows where it is"

With one last nod Jeno turns and heads to the doors of the station but is stopped by Renjun's voice "oh, and my apartment number is eighteen".

"Okay" Jeno gives Renjun a big smile before heading out to his car and hopping in.

Photographs; Noren NCTWhere stories live. Discover now