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Jeno held onto Yeri's hand tightly. He didn't like the sight in front of him one bit, she was linked up to an assortment of machines, all beeping away at once and Jeno felt like he was going to get a headache.

How his sister had survived was a miracle. She had lost so much blood last night that he thought for sure he would never see her again, but here she was, a currently stable heartbeat.

Jeno was pulled from his thoughts when the door to the room slid open. He turns slightly to see the doctor that had been caring for his sister followed by a man who was rather smartly dressed. Jeno felt like a slob in comparison. He hasn't showered and had refused to change his clothes in fear that something bad would happen to Yeri if he left the room. His gray sweatpants were stiff with dried blood and his white shirt was stained and creased.

"There is someone here who wishes to speak with you Mr Lee" the doctor says only to earn a warm smile from the smartly dressed man behind him.

Jeno only nods once before turning his attention back to Yeri. He hears the door slide close and a body sits down in the seat beside his.

"I'm very sorry about all of this..." the man says nodding towards his sister although Jeno knew he meant the overall situation.

"So am I" was his only response. He wasn't in the mood for conversation, he just wanted to be alone right now.

A silence passes over them until the man clears his throat "my name is Jung Jaehyun, I'm in charge of this case..." he begins but gets no response as he carries on. "...I know this may seem very soon, but we would like you to make a statement at the police station. You are our only solid witness, and with your help we could help find the monster that did this and lock him up" he explains, nodding towards Yeri's unconscious body once again.

Jeno slowly turns to look at the man. "Can you not catch him without my help?" His voice held no emotion and although it was a question it didn't sound like one.

"We can, but it would be much quicker and easier if we had your help" Jaehyun gives Jeno the most comforting smile he could before patting his shoulder.
"I won't force you, I'll give you some time to think about it. If you decide you do want to make a statement just come down to the station".

With that he stands up and heads for the door but is stopped by a weak voice.

"Thank you" Jeno says, trying to smile a little without crying.

Jaehyun only nods once before leaving the room and closing the door gently behind him.

Jeno lets out a loud groan and takes Yeri's cold hand in his. "What am I going to do noona".


"You said you asked him to make a statement two days ago! Where the hell is he?" Donghyuck complains only to earn a sigh from the older man.

Renjun watches as the redhead places his hands flat on Jaehyun's desk and shoots him a glare.

"Give the guy some time, his sister was almost murdered have some sympathy Donghyuck" Jaehyun's tone was tired, Renjun could tell he had been working overtime on this case.

Before Donghyuck could say anything stupid, Renjun gently grips his arm and pulls him from the office. The last thing he needed was his partner being angry.

"Calm down, I'm sure he'll come and make a statement soon. It must be hard for him" Renjun's tone was soft as he rubbed the younger boys arm slightly only to earn a sigh.

"If he doesn't show up, imma go down there myself and drag him here, we won't get anywhere unless we get this statement" he huffs, dumping himself into one of the seats that occupied the reception of the station.

Before Renjun could say anything else, the doors slide open and a man in his late teens steps into the reception. He was dressed in a large oversized hoodie, black jeans and his jet black hair was a little messy. You could also see that his eyes had slight bags beneath them.

He glances around for a moment, looking a little lost so Renjun decided to step in.

"Can I help you?" He asks, a small smile present on his lips as the strangers eyes meet his own.

"I-I'm looking for a man called Jaehyun, he asked me to make a statement for um-something a few days ago" he replies, his voice a little groggy with sleep.

Renjun turns to look at Donghyuck for a moment who sat with a satisfied smile on his lips.

"Of course, this way" the brunette motions for the boy to follow him down a small corridor until they stop outside of a door. Renjun knocks once before hearing a small 'come in' and opens it up.

"Um, sir there is someone here to see you" he mutters only to earn a bored look from his boss.


Renjun steps aside to let the raven haired boy move forward slightly.
Jaehyun's face lit up at the sight and he quickly stands.

"Jeno, I'm so pleased you decided to come, please take a seat" Jaehyun smiles and pulls a chair out for Jeno.

As Jeno walks past Renjun he gives the brunette a smile before Renjun gently closed the door and left the room.

Photographs; Noren NCTWhere stories live. Discover now