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A/N: Just before you read this chapter I wanna expose myself

I HAVE FRIGGIN 22 DRAFTS!!? So turns out I do this thing where I write like ten chapters of a book before I get bored and start another  ಠ_ಠ I got a problem guys

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I HAVE FRIGGIN 22 DRAFTS!!? So turns out I do this thing where I write like ten chapters of a book before I get bored and start another  ಠ_ಠ I got a problem guys...


The smell of coffee hits Renjun's nose and he sighs in content. If there was one thing he loved more than photography, it was definitely coffee.

"What do you want? I'll pay" Renjun says, digging around in his jacket pocket for some money as they walk up to the counter.

"Are you sure I can pay-" Jeno's words were cut off when the brunette holds up a finger.
Jeno sighs a little "latte please".

Renjun nods and pays for one latte and one mocha before they both sit down at a table.

"So do you only do photography as a job or is it a hobby too?" Jeno speaks up, deciding to make conversation. The last thing he wanted was awkward silence.

"It's a hobby, it's lucky that I get to do something I love everyday" Renjun replies as he brings the white porcelain mug to his lips and takes a sip.
"Do you have any hobbies?"

Jeno thinks for a moment, he was a man of many passions and didn't have only one main hobby. "Hmmm, I guess sports" he nods to himself, feeling pleased with his answer.

"Oof, if I ever played sports people would think it was a wet noodle running across a field" Renjun laughs a little and Jeno can't help but copy his actions.

It was strange, Renjun came across very professional when he was at the police station and the lab, but now he just seemed like every other human being. This made Jeno feel a lot less anxious about helping out on the case. He was afraid that he would be the extremely unprofessional guy that everyone ended up hating.

"I'm sure your not that bad" Jeno laughs as he too sips his latte.

Renjun shakes his head "I'm being serious, that's why I tend to stick to less physical activities" he smiles once more before drinking more of the coffee.

They sat in silence for a while, just enjoying their drinks.
Their gazes would drift over to each other for a brief moment before quickly looking away. It was difficult to make conversation with someone you had just met, and considering the circumstances that Jeno met Renjun it made it twice as difficult.

"Do you mind if I ask you a question?" Jeno speaks up, keeping his eyes glued to his empty mug as he circled his finger around the brim.

"Sure, go ahead"

"Do you really think we'll find the person that did this?" He asks. He didn't have to explain anymore and Renjun already knew he was talking about the case. The younger boy didn't lift his gaze from the mug as Renjun answered.

"Honestly, yes I do. Jaehyun and Donghyuck are very skilled detectives and I know they won't stop until this person is behind bars" that soft comforting voice was enough for Jeno to lift his eyes to meet Renjun's kind brown orbs.

"What about you?"

The question caught Renjun of guard a little as he furrows his brow. "What do you mean?"

"Your helping too yet you only credit Jaehyun and Donghyuck" Jeno explains and the brunette lets out a breathy laugh.

"I don't really do much, I follow them around with a camera, I don't have any actual say in the case" he says as he waves Jeno's comment off as if it were a joke.

"I think your job is very important to the case, it helps out in evidence, it helps bring justice in court you help just as much as they do" Jeno shrugs and Renjun can't stop the small smile that creeps it's way onto his lips. He had never been told that he was important to a case before, he usually just thought that his job doesn't really help with much, but as Jeno explained the brunette seemed to realise that maybe his photographs were important after all.

"Thank you, that's nice to hear" he smiles brightly at the raven haired boy that sat opposite him.

Before anything else could be said Renjun's phone starts to ring. He tears his gaze away from Jeno and pulls the device from his pocket before answering
"Hello?...ah okay...we'll be there soon".

Once he ends the call and shoves the phone back into his pocket he grabs his leather satchel and throws it over his shoulder before standing. "We need to go back to the station" he says only to earn a nod from Jeno as he too stands and follows the brunette out to the car.

A/N: Thank you to everyone reading, I just want to let you know that the story does get more interesting I promise!~♡

Photographs; Noren NCTWhere stories live. Discover now