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The city is quite amazing, the air is cold but the sun shines through the cold. For the summer it's too cold, I'm surprised it's not raining. It's the first nice day Gotham has seen in weeks. But I don't mind the cooler weather, but having the sun smiling is always nice.

"You don't have to worry about the flowers." Alfred says scaring me a little.

"I know Alfred, I just don't want them to die anytime soon. Especially with all this cold weather." I say smacking my gloves together, dirt flying off them.

"I am the butler of Wayne manor, and it's my duty to take care of the people and things around the manor." Alfred says taking the gloves from my hand.

I smile as Alfred picks up the small flowers and starts to water them. "Really Alfred, I can do it."

"Not another word Miss Wayne." Alfred says waving his hand, telling me to go away and leave him to his job.

I sigh and shake my head smiling, making my way back up to the manor. 

Miss Wayne. It's so new to me, I'm not used to it. They even changed my name on the door of my office at work while I was on my honeymoon. Well, me and Bruce's honeymoon. It's so weird to think that me and Bruce are finally married. The wedding wasn't that big, okay maybe it was. But Bruce was the one who went all out, I was fine with anything. I picked my dress, got the flowers and helped organize the small details. While Bruce, hired so many people to help, I made the joke that one day they would help whip his ass. They were a big help though, and the wedding was amazing. Bruce started crying a little when he saw me walking down the aisle.

The honeymoon was the best part, if you know what I mean.

We went on a boat and sailed down south for a month, just us. Enjoying... everything.

"Hey Alfred!" I turn and yell, he turns and looks at me. "Where's Bruce?" I ask.

"In the study Miss Wayne." Alfred yells, turning back to the flower bed.

I make my way into the manor and slip of my shoes, and whip the sweat from my forehead, mixed with dirt. I make my way though the halls and slowly open the door to the study, finding my newlywed husband hunched over his desk, back on to me. I sneak in and wrap my arms around him, making him tense, I kiss his neck and the tension in him slips away.

"Hello my wife." Bruce says turning to me, holding me in his arms.

"Hello my husband." I giggled and he leans in for a kiss. But stops before my lips.

"You smell of dirt and sweat." He whispered.

"I know." I smirk, "when has that ever stopped you from stealing a kiss?"

"It never has, and never will." He smirks with me and pulls me into a kiss.

Bruce lifts me off my feet as I hold onto his neck. He puts me down and we share a laugh. I lean over his shoulder and look at his desk.

"So what's got you so tense, only days after our honeymoon?" I ask. Bruce blocks me from seeing his desk.

"It's nothing, nothing it's fine, don't worry about it." He says, worry lancing his voice.

My playful smile fades as I look into his eyes. Something's wrong.

"Bruce." I lean to look again and he pulls away from me to put the papers away.

"It's nothing Chrissy I promise." Bruce pushes all the papers into a pile but one slips away and lands by my feet.

I pick it up and turn away from Bruce who is trying to take the paper from me. I read the paper quickly, then again, slower each time.

"What?" I turn to Bruce who is watching me closely.

"Chrissy, listen-"

"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask, tears hold my eyes.

"Because I didn't want you involved." Bruce says rubbing my shoulders.

"How can I not be? Bruce-" I feel tears stream down my face as I choke on my words.

"I didn't want this." He says hugging me.

"I didn't want him to come back. Why is he back?" I cry into Bruce's chest.

The paper of recent Joker sightings slip from my hand into the floor. The paper of worry, regret, and fear. He's back again.

Batman: Back AgainWhere stories live. Discover now