Promise Me

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I hear people moving around me, I see nothing. I start to question everything around me. Where am I? Who's moving around me.

My hand twitches as someone takes my hand in theirs. Their hand is warm and rough, but soft and comforting. I feel the hand hold mine tighter, their thumb rubbing the back of my hand. My fingers twitch again. I want to move, hold their hand tighter. See who it is.

I start to feel frustrated. I push every muscle in my body, I try and move. But my fingers twitch, twice.

I try again, and feel my leg move an inch. My finger move once again.

"She's moving." I hear a voice.

I move my head to the left, my arms start to move as well. My eyes suddenly crack open. Seeing nothing up light above me, with a figure over me. My vision starts to clear and Bruce is standing over me. His face is tired, and he looks older then he should.

"Bruce..." my voice is dry and sounds like sandpaper.

Bruce smiles and sighs. "Chrissy." He says.

I look around the room to see I'm in our room, in bed. The blinds are open, making the sun come in through the room. Brighter than normal, because snow coats the wind.

"What happened?" I ask closing my eyes for a moment.

"The Scarecrow, Catwoman and Harley Quinn, they-"

I nod my head looking towards the window.

"How long have I been out?" I ask.

Bruce looks at me and stays silent for a moment. "Two weeks."

"Two weeks?" I ask again, my head moving but I fall back. Pain hitting every part of my body.

"I'm afraid so. You were in really bad shape when I found you." He looks away. "Alfred and I didn't want to take you to the hospital. Because we felt it dangerous for you to be so beat up and show up at the hospital, with no explanation."

"I understand. Alfred knows how to take care of us." I say smiling.

A moment goes by with painful breathing.

"You saved me." I say looking towards him.

It was Bruce's hand that was wrapped in mine. He holds it tighter.

"Batman saved you." He corrects

"No, it was you." I say. "Batman threw the towel in, you didn't. You saved me."

"If you say so." Bruce says smiling. He sighs again and looks out the window.

"What's wrong?" I ask tilting my head toward him more.

"I was talking to Jim Gordon, and what he asked of us."

"Bruce-" I start, I know what he's going to say.

"Chrissy, I know you don't want Blue Jay and Batman back, but after what happened to you, I don't want anything else to happen to you."

"And I don't want anything to happen to you. Please promise me Bruce, that you won't be Batman again."

Bruce looks at me, nods his head and kisses my forehead.

Weeks go by, Christmas comes and the New Year is upon up. Me and Bruce have to attend a New Years party with the city so cover myself in make up and dress up the best I can. I'm still sore, thankfully my ribs have healed well, still stiff. My arm has been healed and an ugly scar will haunt me forever. I fix my green dress and see Bruce walk into the, waiting for me.

"Ready?" He asks, I nod my head.

We walk out into the banquet hall and people look our way. My body aches but I try and hold myself together. We talk and mingle as best we can through the night.

"Have you heard the news?" An older woman asks as I take a sip of wine.

"Not lately I'm afraid, I've been off work."

That is true, I've avoided the news in fear of seeing something I didn't want. And I took some time off work.

"Batman is out once again. Looking for those crazies that escaped the asylum." She whispered.

I choke on my whine a little. "What? When was this?" I ask.

"Oh dear, only a few days ago. He's been spotted, around town." She clicks her nails on her glass.

"And to think, two years of nothing, and suddenly he's back-" she goes on.

I care not about what she says. I look across the room and lock eyes with Bruce. He smiles and glare at him. How could he. Bruce looks confused as I turn away leaving the banquet hall.

"Chrissy!" I hear Bruce yell after me. I make my way into the hotel lobby and feel his hand grab my arm.

"What?" I ask sounding mad.

"What's wrong?"

"What's wrong?!" I huff, "what's wrong is you promised me you wouldn't-"

Bruce pulls me into and empty room.

"I know, but I got worried about you. And I felt-"

"I thought we were in this together! We promised each other when we got married that this was over." I growl.

"I know, I just thought-"

"Exactly, you just think of yourself! It's all about 'You'! Well you promised me, that you wouldn't do it!"

I storm off hearing Bruce call my name. I step out into the cold winter air. Hearing people cheer.

Happy New Year!"

I step into a cab and leave Bruce without a New Years kiss.

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