Shot Down

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I slowly sat down in my desk. I groan as my back cracks. I can't feel any comfort at the moment. Snow falls outside as the fire cracks. The night is over and day is coming in just a few hours. I'm exhausted from the day.

I stayed away from Bruce all day, he kept his space as well. I spent the day resting. I didn't really care about what Bruce was doing. Especially after last night.

I can't believe him. He broke his promise to me.

I hear the door open. Muffled talking then footsteps come my way. I turn my head away from the doorway and at the fire.

"There you are. I've been looking for you." Bruce says, breathless.

I stay quiet, as the fire cracks with anger for me.

"Chrissy, I'm sorry." He pleads, standing in the doorway.

I turn towards him. Some of his hair falls in front of his face. He was obviously in a rush. His eyes are pleading as well. I shake my head and start to get up but groan, making Bruce rush to my side.

"I'm fine." I push him away, putting my hand up to stop him.

Bruce stands back and watches me walk away slowly. I turn in the doorway and look over my shoulder.

"Goodnight Bruce."

The lights are all out but the one that looks like a spotlight. I stand in the middle of the light and hear a voice.

"You failed your mission." The Joker said. I turn around but don't see him.

"I know, but Rome wasn't built in a day."

"Killing Batman should." Joker said in a growl. I start to panic once I hear more then one pair of feet and I can't see anyone or anything.

"Listen I'm sorry, I really tried-"

"SHUT IT!" The Jokers voice echoes through the empty warehouse. I shake and fear more footsteps.

"You failed and now I'll have to kill you." I finally see him appear into the light with a knife.

Then I hear guns moving around and I feel has if my plan won't work. The Joker comes closer and puts the knife to my neck, and I kick him back.
Joker laughs sickly

"You've still got fire in you, I like it."

I snap my eyes open in a cold sweat. His voice echoes in my head. I look next to me and the bed is empty. Bruce is gone. I pull the covers off my body and swing my legs over the bed, hitting the cold floor. I pull a blanket cover my body and open the door into the hall.

It's quiet. Too quiet. I make my way down the hall and into the kitchen. Alfred rushes past me holding a first aid kit.

"Alfred." I say and he turns to me, as if he never saw me.

"Oh Miss Wayne. What are you doing up?"

"I-" I shake my head, "what's going on? Why do you have a first aid kit?"

"Oh it's nothing. It's just-"

"Your lying Alfred. Please tell me what's wrong." I say holding his arm.

Alfred looks at my hands then at me. He sighs and shakes his head.

"Are you kidding me!" I yell walking down into the Bat Cave.

"Chrissy-" Bruce is bloody and on a cot.

The cave is cold and wet. Small parts of light fall through the cave. Water is frozen.

Bruce is in his Batman suit, with no mask, he's very pale.

"What have you done." I say kneeing by his side.

I push his hair out of his face and whip the sweat from his face with my blanket. He winces as Alfred starts to take off his armour. I shush him and stroke his face.

Alfred starts to take the bullet that was just in his skin, but far in enough to cause pain. I put the blanket over Bruce once the bullet is cleaned and wrapped up.

"I'm sorry I got mad." I whisper, my head lying next to his. "I'm worried for you."

"I am too." Bruce looks at me. "I can't bare to see you so-"

"I know." I say closing my eyes. I hold my head on his and we listen to the water drop.

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