Stopping The Plan

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"We should tell the public!" Scarecrow says smiling at the Joker.

"I've thought about it, maybe we can do it in a grand way, one last kick off!" Joker says laughing.

I lean against the wall and watch the three and the Joker plan out the grand death of Batman. I shake my head and sigh.

The night has come. The thoughts of many nights long past. Scarecrow looks at me and smirks.

"I think we should tell the world who he is."

I shrug my shoulders.

"What's wrong Jay?" Harley asks.

"Tired." Is all I said.

"Are you having those thoughts again?" Cat asks.

Before I can answer the Joker comes out of the darkness and shakes his head.

"I thought I helped you with those thoughts?"

"You did, but-"

"But nothing!" The joker yells, he pulls out a syringe from his purple coat. "I can help you again."

I pull my sleeves down to cover all the needle pricks and scars from past injections.

"N-no, I'm fine." I back up a step, but he moves closer.

"I think you'll need this for tonight."

He grabs my arm and I scream in pain as he plunged the needle into my veins.

The three others looks away in fear.

I stand on top of a building. My head is fuzzy and my thoughts are a mess.

I don't understand what has become of me. I just wish things were like it was before I came to Gotham. With just me and Luke. But he's... I don't know. I don't know anything, anymore.

All I know is the Joker runs my life and I have to kill Batman. But Batman is Bruce Wayne. I have this feeling, that going after Bruce Wayne would be easier then going for him while he's Batman.

The Joker and the gang want to expose Bruce as Batman, but something says it's not a good idea.

These thoughts that I keep having, they... feel like memories. Not dreams. The Joker says that purple syringe helps those dreams and thoughts go away. But, it's not working. I know that they're memories. And you can't erase memories.

I walk across the top of a building as I wonder what's good and what's bad. I want to run away from this 'bad guy' like. Like in my memories, or dreams, or whatever they are. Fall in love, get married. But am I already married? Batman said I was married to him. Which means I'm married to Bruce Wayne. I don't know how when he's just so... handsome.

The Joker wants to expose Bruce Wayne for being Batman. I- I feel like that can't happen. And now, I find myself walking towards Bruce Wayne's manor. The new one built not long ago. But I hear rumblings of him not living there due to a broken heart. I mean, he seemed fine at the charity event, when he showed me he was Batman.

I sneak into the window on the third floor and walk through the halls. I feel... safe. I smell fresh wood being burned and coffee.

The sun has gone down and the night chill is no where to be felt in this house. I walk the Manor like I know where I'm going. I have to go to the study. That's where I'll find Bruce.

I stop in the hall and look for a moment, I look at nothing. But my thoughts are racing. Am I doing the right thing? Should I really warn him? What about my loyalty to the Joker, Catwomen, Harley and the Scarecrow? I shake my head and push myself forward.

I turn down the stairs and find the study. The door is open just a peek and I see a man sitting back on from me, facing out the window that leads to the garden. The one where I planted flowers, when we got married. At least my dreams tell me such thing.

I make my way though the halls and slowly open the door to the study, finding my newlywed husband hunched over his desk, back on to me. I sneak in and wrap my arms around him, making him tense, I kiss his neck and the tension in him slips away.

"Hello my wife." Bruce says turning to me, holding me in his arms.

"Hello my husband." I giggled and he leans in for a kiss. But stops before my lips.

"You smell of dirt and sweat." He whispered.

"I know." I smirk, "when has that ever stopped you from stealing a kiss?"

"It never has, and never will." He smirks with me and pulls me into a kiss.

The memory fades as the man sitting back on shifts in his seat and puts his pen down. I move myself to the side and push my back against the wall.

What am I doing?

I sallow down my fear and make my way back into the door way. I stand there for a moment before the man sighs. It's Bruce, of course.

"What are you doing here?" He asks not turning around.

My heart sinks to my stomach as his voice rings through my ears.

"I've come to warn you." I say softly.

"I thought you'd be here to kill me, or at least beat me up some more."

I stay silent. Bruce turns his head to my direction and locks eyes with my. His still face turns bright and a soft smile crosses his lips, almost a grin. He laughs to himself and shakes his head as he stands up, with the help of a walking stick next to him.

And there he is, looking at me, standing here in front of me.

"Warn me about what exactly?" He asks.

"The Joker is going to expose you. Tell the world your secret." I say lifting my gaze to him.

"And what secret is that?" He asks, smirking.

"Don't be stupid." I say rolling my eyes.

"I can say the same to you."

"What's that suppose to mean?" Anger builds inside me.

"Well, you working for the Joker, turning bad, and trying to kill me. Oh-" he lifts his finger up and snaps his fingers, "coming to warn me about the Joker. Why so stupid."

"I didn't have to warn you! I could have just let you die in the hands of Gotham and it's people." I yell.

Bruce nods his head. "Why did you come?"

I look at him, and shake my head, "I don't know."

"Oh come on. I'm sick of hearing that! There's always a reason." Bruce yells inching closer to me.



"Excuse me?!" I asked shocked at his response.

"It's those memories isn't it?"

"They're dreams not memories!" I try and defend myself.

"Your just lying to yourself." Bruce says grinning.

"Oh I just wanna smack that grin off your face." I say as my face grows red with anger.

"Listen, I know your second guessing everything you do. I can see it in your eyes, even now! So do me a favour and just stop working with the Joker, and stay with me." Bruce pleads. "Those aren't dreams, they're memories! Our memories! Ones we made!"

I turn away from him and grind my teeth. I turn back around and glare at him. "I shouldn't have come here." I step away and walk out the door.

I stop before I storm away and then back to him, "I hope the city of Gotham, rips you up, and throws you away and dirty bat!"


Oh man this chapter is way over due! Sorry man I feel so bad :((

I love this series so much but I'm trying to think of a good ending. The last two books I had a full on plan, now I kinda don't do I'm doing it off the top of my head. Anyways I love you all and I hope you all have a wonderful day <3

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