Too Fight Or Not To Fight, That Is The Question

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I circle around Batman. His head hangs low as he's on his knees. Nothing is said for the first minute. Just his breathing and mine. My boots hit the floor as the wind blows through the cracked windows.

I kicked Batman in the back, making him fall forward. He groans and struggles to get up.

"You don't have as much fight in you, as I remember." I say laughing to myself.

He gets to his knees again and looks up at me. Something flickers through my mind, but I shake my head and punch him in the face. A crack rings through the empty warehouse. I shake my hand as blood drips from Batman's nose.

"What to do with you?" I ask aloud and kick his face to the ground.

His breathing has become very rigged and ruff. He spits the blood from his mouth and has broken free of the ties on his hands. In one last desperation he looks up at me again.

"Your not like this." He says, in his normal sandpaper voice.

"What's that supposed to mean? I'm me." I take out my swords and flip them in my hands.

"No your not." He sighs. "Your Chrissy James. You were once a hero like myself. You were in love with a man named Luke Somer, but once he died you came to Gotham seeking revenge. That's who you were."

I stand in front of him. My heart is beating through my ears.

"How dare you." I feel tears prick my eyes. "You have no right to speak about my life! You don't know me."

Batman scuffs. "Oh you have no idea."

I pull my sword out and stab his shoulder. He cries in pain as I pull it out.

"You don't know me."

Batman stands up and kicks the swords out of my hands out of nowhere. I pull myself towards him but he wraps his arms around me. He pulls my mask off as I struggle to break from his grasp. He pulls me into him more and then forces his lips on mine.

My mind goes fuzzy and my thoughts are clouded with a man. A name. Bruce. I open my eyes and pull away from him. He looks lost.

I grab my swords from the ground and put them to his throat. My eyes flicker to his.

"Do it, if your going to kill me. Just kill me." He says in desperation.

I look into his eyes. Something hits me. I can't explain it. But I can't kill him. I can't.

I put my swords down and my breath has gotten rigged, like Batman's.

"I- I can't." I stutter.

"Because you know this is wrong." He says.


Batman walks towards me, takes my swords and drops them to the ground. Tears stream down my face.

"Just come with me and I'll help you."

I look at him. "No!" I back away from him. I pick up my swords and point them at his face. He puts his hands up in defeat.

"The Scarecrow put a serum in your body that makes you believe your evil again." Batman says.

I point my knives closer to his face. "Give me one reason why I shouldn't cut your throat, and let you bleed out."

"Because, your my wife." Batman says in a growl of a whisper.

I squeeze my hands tighter on the grip of my sword. I squint my eyes at him.

"Yeah right, and I'm the Queen of England." I push the tip of my sword into his neck, just breaking skin.

"I can prove it." He says calmly.

I stop and watch as he rips his glove off and shows me a gold band on his left hand. It shines in the moonlight as I look at his hand.

"Look at your left hand." Is all he says, making me rip my own glove off to see the same coloured band on my ring finger.

My eyes drift to his hand, then back to mine. The same shine from mine, matches his. I shake my head.

"That doesn't prove anything." I hesitate. "Anyone can own the same ring."

Batman sighs and shakes his head. "I know you feel doubt in your mind. I know you do. This isn't you and you know it."

"THIS IS ME!" I yell at him. My voice echoing through the cold air.

I pick up my swords again and put them to his throat, he swiftly knocks them down and kicks me in the stomach making me back up. I cough and laugh to myself.

"Finally, you do fight back!"

I lift my leg and kick him in the face and go to kick him again but he grabs my leg and slams me to the ground. I pull out a knife on this forearm and is about to slam it next to me but I roll out of the way. Now with his forearm stuck in the ground and elbow him in the back, making him hit the ground. He gets himself unstuck, turns and throws a blade at my face. A stinging pain strikes my right cheek as it just nicked my face. Blood drips down my face as I throw myself on his chest, pinning him down with my body. I punch him in the face, but he grabs my hips and throws himself on top of me. I struggle under his weight as he pins my arms down.

"Stop this!" He grunts.

"No!" I push him off me and kick him away.

I see my swords on the ground a few feet away and I make a run for it. But Batman tackles me to the ground making my head hit the pavement. I roll on my side and grunt as I stand up.

"I don't wanna fight you!" Batman demands.

"Well, sucks for you, because I do!" I kick his legs from under him, making him fall back.

He turns away from me and tries to get up, I just kick his back again.

"There's no stopping me Batman!" My voice is bitter. "This is me, and you can't stop that!"

I punch him one last time, making him cough. I pull my swords from the ground and stab his leg. I then pull it out as he holds his leg in pain. I watch him try and stand but I just slice his arm with the sharp blade. He stays on the ground, breathing heavily, as I make my way out of the warehouse, I turn to see the moonlight shining down on him like a spotlight. I turn away leaving Batman, dripping in blood, alone, in the cold.

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