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My mind.

It's dizzy.

So many nightmares.

My eyes are heavy.

So many nightmares.

I sit legs crossed on the cold wooden floor, the fire crackling in front of me. The heat keeping me warm.

The early morning is just down the hills and my eyes drift open and closed. I hear footsteps from behind and pay no mind to it.

Is it in my head?

Or is it really there?

The fear stricken thoughts come back to me as tears sting my eyes. I close my eyes and my eyelids feel relaxed. But I'm tense. The tears fall silently as the sun starts to come up over the city.

The fireplace sits in the corner, with huge window next to it. The building is among the tallest, and the sun reflects the windows on the other buildings.

The apartment is nice, high up, but not the manor. Weeks have passed since the fire, and the fear I've felt has only grown.

But with an antidote coursing through my veins gives a small sigh of relief.

But not enough to help me sleep.

Or feel safe.

The footsteps are back.

A hand falls on my shoulder, making me flinch.

"You've been like this for weeks now."

I say nothing.

"You really need sleep." He says.

I don't speak.

"I know it's hard. But you need to talk through it. Give me some reassurance."


He sighs. But doesn't give up. So, he sits next to me.

"We can talk about this."

My lips crack, "I don't want to." I squeeze out.

Luke sighs. His blue eyes burn into the side of my face.

"Don't say I died for nothing." He says trying to joke.

I don't laugh.

"Why are you here?" I ask looking into his eyes. "Your dead. Just leave me alone."

Luke shakes his head again. "I can't leave you alone." He takes my hand and squeezes it. "You brought me here."

"No I didn't. You need to go away. I moved on." I say closing my eyes, hoping his ghost would disappear.

"Then why don't you just think me away?" He says.

I give him a puzzled look.

"You always seem to think of me in your lowest times." Like says looking towards the fire. "Why do you? Is it because I'm a source of comfort? Or because your lowest points were because of me?"

"Oh stop." I say shaking my head.

We grow silent. The fire cracking is all I hear. I don't hear Luke breathing, nor his heartbeat. He's not here.

"Just try and fix this fear of yours." I hear him say.

I look over and see that Luke is nowhere to be seen.

"Chrissy." I turn around and see Bruce standing in the doorway.

"Who are you talking too?" He asks looking around the room.

I watch him closely. He's tired too, and scared. It's not just me. I sallow hard and blink my tears away.



I sallow again, "I was talking to Luke."

Bruce runs a hand through his hair and I feel tears come to my tired eyes.

"I've lost myself." I admit out loud. I start to cry, and can't help it. I need to break this.

"Bruce. I-I don't know what to do." I cry.

Bruce walks towards me and gets on his knees and puts his hand on my cheek, I lean into it. He uses his thumb to clean my face of tears.

Tears prick his eyes. I cry out once more. This making Bruce lean forward, holding me in his arms. Crying, letting it all go. The walls have fallen.

"It's true Chrissy." Luke looks at me.

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