Dancing With The Devil

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I lean over the building and wonder where to go next. I'm unsure of what my next move is, I don't know the game. I'm like a new player to the chessboard.

"We've been all over town. Still nothing." I say turning to Batman.

"We'll figure it out." He says plainly.

I jump down on a ledge and see something happening down below. A wicked laugh rings out through the air making a wild chill go down my spine.

Before Batman can see me, I jump onto another building and get a closer look.

It's him. Actually him. The Joker.

He's out in the open, cops are crawling the streets, shots are being fired.

"I just wanna see my dear Blue Jay." He says waving a knife back and forth.

I swing myself down into an ally way next to the street he's on. A helicopter fly's overhead and a light is shined on the Joker, like he's on stage.

"If Batman appeared that'd be great too!" He says.

"Blue Jay, don't go near him!" Batman says in my ear piece.

"I got this." I tell him. "I'll just see what he wants, so this can end."

"No! Don't go near him!" Batman yells.

I take my ear piece out and stomp on it. I need answers.

I know that I'm scared. So is Batman. But I need this to end. This is the first sighting of the Joker, in a long time. This maybe my only chance.

I walk out into the empty street, a dance with the devil. The Joker sees me and smiles, then laughs.

"My dear!" He yells!

I keep watching him carefully. "What are you doing here?" I ask sternly.

"I've come to find you of course." He says, like I've known all along.

A few cops move closer from behind their lines. I look up and see the outline of Batman. He's gonna kill me later.

"Aw look, there's Bats!" He says following my eyes, towards the sky.

"Stop this game Joker! What do you really want?" I ask again.

He looks at me slowly and laughs, I hate his laugh. He takes out a gun and fiddles with it for what seems like forever.

"Just a little game. What if you did complete your mission? Hm?"

"If your trying to hire me again-"

"No, no no no!" The joker yells. "But what if you complete your mission... now?"

Before I can think, he points the gun at me and shots me with a dart. It hits my shoulder and makes me stumble back. I groan as I take it out, but whatever was in the dart, is already running through my veins. My vision starts to blur and my ears start to ring. My head starts pounding.

I fall to my knees as I hear the cops yelling at each other. I hear the Joker say something about Batman.

The Joker.


I wave of force washes over me. I stand to my feet and look at the Joker. Batman now behind him, waiting to strike. The Joker turns to me like a child at Christmas. He sees Batman and smirks.

He lifts his gloved finger and points to Batman, he mutters one word. "kill".

I look towards Batman.

I repeat, "kill".

I jump towards Batman and strike him done before he can move. I take out my swords and he shields them with his arms before I take a hit. I try again, with more force. He pushes me back, making me groan.

I take out a shock ball and throw it towards him. It hits him and he stumbles back. Just like old times.

"Blue Jay! Stop this!" Batman Pleads.

"Never! I'll finish what I started!" I say running towards him.

I throw a few punches at him and the wind gets knocked out of him for a minute and he takes my hands and pushes me back.

"I don't want to fight you!" Batman says, baking away from me as I move closer.

"Nothing stopped you before, what changed your mind?"

"Your my wife." He mumbled. "I can't."

"Well I can!" I throw another shock ball and it hits him back again.

"I won't." Batman says, he suddenly runs out into the darkness and into the night.

I looks around and see all the police officers on the ground. The Joker pats my shoulder.

"Congratulations Blue Jay." He says laughing. "Gotham has its killer back."

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