You Will Never Understand

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The air is silent, nothing is said between me and Bruce. A cool breeze chills my skin, causing goosebumps to appear on my skin. I wince in pain.

"Sorry." Bruce mumbles.

My hand sits in his lap as he cleans my hand and the blood that has no dried down my arm.

I dare not look at Bruce, so my knees are up close to my chest, head resting on them. Tears slowly fall, as the air is still. Bruce finishes cleaning my hand and wraps a bandage around it, he holds it for a moment, sighing and standing up from his seat.

I watch as he rubs his face and pulls his hands to his hair and pushes it back. His hair falls back into place, with a few pieces falling onto his face. He looks over at me and we lock eyes.

"I don't wanna ask what happened to you all this time."

I look to the ground, "neither do I."

"But we have to end this." Brice says.

I sigh and close my eyes for a moment. "I know." I mumbled.

"I lost them when I got you from the warehouse. Where do you think they went?" Brice asks walking towards the small pond in the cave.

"I don't know."

Brice turns to me and before I know it he's sitting in front of me again, he grabs my hands as I try to pull away.

"I know your scared, but we have to do this. Together."

I look at him and pull my hands out of his grasp, he sits up and watches as I put my feet on the ground. I spring from my seat and feel anger build in me.

"I know we have to do this, but after the hell I went through, I don't want too!" I tell him.

"I know but-"

"No!" I cut him off, "you don't know! You didn't get hired to be the bad guy! You didn't get manipulated and tortured into thinking you were the person you hated!" I get close to him and growl in anger, "you weren't in my shoes."

I turn around and cross my arms, huffing in frustration.

"Your right. I can't understand. But why live in this nightmare? Why not kill the nightmare." Bruce says behind me.

I shake my head, "you don't kill."

"But you have." Bruce says bluntly.

I stay quiet.

Bruce sighs, and walks in front of me.

"I will never understand, and I won't. But you have to trust me to do the right thing. I trust you to do the right thing."

The air is cold. Bruce watches as I unfold my arms and my gaze is on his eyes. Oh how I missed those eyes.

"He's on the west side of the city, South of the docks." I say.

I smell nothing but the ocean ahead of me. I sit on a building as the moon aluminates my path. Batman stands next to me as we wait for the right moment.

"You know," I start, "I'd be lying if I told you I didn't miss this." I say laughing to myself.

Batman smirks down at me.

"The two of us, back at it again, helping Gotham rid of its enemies." I say.

"Rightfully so." Batman says.

I frown at his statement. "Once this is all over, I think-" I hesitate with my words. But before I can finish, we head gun shots from the warehouse.

"That sounds like our sign." Batman says.

I bolt up and we both make our way down to the warehouse. It's our final battle with the devil.

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