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I heaved myself up onto the plate form as I watched the gang get themselves set up. A tripod holds a camera to get the shot of Harley, Scarecrow and the Cat, while the Joker exposes the truth.

I don't want any part of this, so I hang up on the stairs leading into an old office, in our warehouse.

My eyes grow heavy as their voices echo off the steel walls. I tried to warn Batman but, I don't think he really cares. The city of Gotham has forgotten about Batman and the things he's done. Instead they are fuelled with fear, just like the start. Without Batman we can do a lot of damage, at least that's what the Joker says.

The camera turns on and I watch as they do their little thing and make this seem like a wall in the park. Catwomen was able to get this to be broadcast on live TV right now.

"As you can see I'm here with my wonderful band of misfits, Harley Quinn, The Scarecrow, and The Catwomen." The Joker says laughing.

He looks up in my direction as I lean my arms on the railing. I give a nod as he giggles.

"Dear Bluejay is a little camera shy, but she's here."

My heart is racing. My hands are sweating. I look up through the cracks of the ceiling and see the moon shinning down, making the room seem less dark.

I start to worry that maybe Batman didn't take me seriously. I can't have Bruce Wayne's life ruined. I can't have that on my me for a lifetime.

"We are here today to tell you the most important secret you will ever hear!" Joker says snapping me out of my thoughts.

I swallow the lump in the throat as my mouth grows dry. I put my hands by my sides and start snapping my fingers in fear of what's to come.

"As you all know, the Batman has saved Gotham many times-" the Joker says unamused, "but since the turn of his wife, he's been retired, it probably given up like a fool!" He yells as everyone around him laughs.

Wife. I read about the wife all the time. The wife. Me. I take a deep breath as many of my dreams come back. Or memories, whatever. I feel like I'm going crazy. Are they dreams? Or memories?

"I'm here to tell you that Batman is actually-"

A crash comes from above me and something flies at the camera, breaking it into pieces.

I knew it.

The gang starts yelling, and the Joker looks up at me as I watch them run around like lost children. The Joker yells my name but I don't listen. Instead I listen to what's to come.

I hear a thump and my chest sinks, making the air in my lungs leave my body. I turn around and see nothing.

"I know your here." I whisper.

"I'm sorry" is all the shadows said before something hit the back of my head, knocking me out cold.

"So your BJ." She says in a whisper. I glance at her and nod my head in shame. She sighs and leans her head back.
"You can't tell anyone, I'm serious Alice."
"You kill people."
"No Chrissy!" Alice yells.
"I haven't killed anyone, to be clear. I protect the evil, the killing is all the Joker." I say swinging my legs off the couch.
"You work for the Joker?" Alice looks at me with a pale expression.
"Yes, but only because of Batman." I say putting my sewn leg on my coffee table.
"What has Batman done?"
"He's a threat, I can't do my job with him around. So the Joker hired me to kill him. I have three chances,"

"This is stupid." I say to the shadows.

"You wanted to see it."

"Wha- no I don't want to see any of this." I say growling back.

Batman: Back AgainWhere stories live. Discover now