Into The Night

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"Well my dear! You sure are a great protection for me!" The joker says holding his hands together.

Out of nowhere, Catwomen, the Scarecrow and Harley Quinn appear from the darkness. All with wicked smiles on their faces.

"Well Well Well, it's actually worked." Catwomen says.

"And you all said I was crazy." The scarecrow scuffs.

"Well, we are all crazy!" Harley giggles.

I look towards the Joker, waiting for something.

"You so quiet, why is that?" The joker looks at the scarecrow.

"You did just shoot her with my serum, you altered her mind to believe that Batman is bad again. Basically, her mind set is back when you first hired her. Everything she knows, even her marriage to Bruce Wayne is gone from her memory." Scarecrow explains.

"Bruce Wayne?" I question.

It sounds familiar. But I don't think I know who that is. And Batman? He's evil, and I was hired to kill him. Wasn't I?

"No one important." Harley says.

"What's your job?" Catwomen asks me.

"Editor for the news-"

"No, your real job."

I hesitate. "I was hired by the joker, to kill Batman."

"Perfect!" The Joker laughs.

I tilt my head at the four in front of me. I feel so confused. Something isn't right. Part of me wants to kill Batman, but the other part of me is saying that it isn't right. Is it really worth it? And what is this that I'm feeling? I feel something inside me, telling myself to fight this.

"Now, it's time to put you to the test!" The Joker says, laughing a wicked laugh.

Bruce's POV

For the last hour I've been waiting, but I still have two hours left to this computer to finish analyzing what's in that dart. I stand up, and start to pace the floor.

"It's like she didn't remember me." I tell Alfred.

"What if you made her remember?" Alfred suggests.

"Maybe..." I rub my eyes and suddenly an alarm goes off.

I walk towards the computer and see that there's a police call for the Joker, and his 'helpers' are out in the city again.

"Alfred, she's back in town. Contact me once the computer is done!" I say grabbing my mask.

"Go get your happiness Master Wayne. And please, be careful." Alfred tells me.

I just hope she's okay. What if this is like the story book? A story with a happy ending? But right now, I'm not counting on it.

Chrissy's POV

The night is cool. I watch the Joker from the top of a building. CatWomen is next to me while Harley and the Scarecrow is watching from the ground. I stand up from kneeling by the edge and look around, keeping an eye out for Batman.

I still can't shake the feeling. Something with Batman isn't right. But I'm doing my job.

A few gun shots rung out and me and Catwomen look at each other.

"Let's go!" She says jumping down into the street.

I follow her down and we land in the warehouse. The Joker, Harley, and the Scarecrow are all looking the opposite direction of me, I turn around and see Batman standing there. I turn towards him and watch as he walks closer to us.

"Well, look who joined the party!" Harley says.

"Just couldn't stay away, could you Bats?" Joker says coming up next to me.

"What did you do to her?" Batman asks, his voice sending chills down my spine.

"I merely changed her way of thinking. She thinks it's hmm about," the Joker throws his hands up, "three years ago. Or whenever she came to Gotham!"

The Joker puts his hands on my shoulder and squeezes me towards him. The whole time I've had my eyes locked with Batman.

"Now, where were we?" The joker asks.

Harley, Catwomen, and the Scarecrow all look at me and I nod my head. We all run towards Batman as he gets ready for the fight.

Harley takes her bat and hits his legs, making his fall to his knees. Catwomen claws at his chest, ripping his armour, exposing his flesh and blood. While he's down. The Scarecrow ties his arms behind its back.

"He's not fight back!" The Scarecrow tells the Joker.

The joker walks up next to us and watched as Batman is on his knees, looking down. As if he's given up.

"You three with me, Blue Jay," he looks at me straight in the eyes. "He's all yours."

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