It's Over

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The sun shines down on the open water as the air gets warmer. Summer is just around the corner meaning longer days and warmer weather. I take a deep breath as the smell of salt water fills my senses. I close my eyes for a moment and sigh. Feeling this way is new. I feel different.

I take off my shoes and pick them up, holding them so I can walk barefoot in the sand. I stretch all my toes as they dig deeper into the sand, making me smile. I walk along the coast as the sun is setting, the perfect picture.

The sun is bright as orange and pink paint the sky around it. Seagulls fly high above and the waves push up into the sand, making a crash noise with every wave. I continue my walk along the coast, walking towards the water to feel the old salt water on my feet. It sends goosebumps up my back but causes me to continue walking.

I hear some people laughing as they walk towards me. A young women is holding hands with a young man. She laughs at a joke he'd made, causing her to turn pink and give a heartfelt laugh. His face lights up with joy as she laughs. They walk on past me without a glance as I smile at the thought of young love.

I make my way to the boardwalk on the beach and step off the sand onto the hard wood of the walkway. I sit on a bench for a moment to dust the sand off the bottoms of my feet, slipping my shoes back on afterwards. I stand up now seeing some stars twinkle in the sky. The sun is gone and darkness roles in.

I walk into the little town and find myself in a city that lives. People laugh and sing as they drink the night away. Bar doors are open, exposing me to loud music and the smells of different alcohols. People yell and laugh at the night, having fun with friends. I slip through the crowd and make my way to my hotel.

The building stands tall in the small city, the bellboy greats me as he opens the door. I smile and say hello, making my way into the grand hotel. I walk past people who are either leaving from a vacation, or just starting theirs. I make it to the elevator and press the top floor.

As I ride the elevator I remember how much I didn't want to come on this vacation. I didn't want to come at all! I wanted to stay on Gotham, to stay home. But I needed a break.

I stop at the top floor, only accessible to me and my own guests, I step out and smile at the sight in front of me.

"You didn't have to do all this." I says stepping out of the elevator.

"You need something like this." He says.

"No I don't." I laugh, walking towards him.

I brush a few strands of hair that has fallen in his face, he leans into my touch.

"You deserve it all."

"Oh Bruce." I whisper, leaning in I kiss him, just a peck.

I pull away and Bruce hands me the rose he was holding.

"A rose for my rose."

I laugh, "why are you so nice to me."

"Because after everything, you deserve everything."

I lean in and kiss him, making Bruce smile even more. We touch foreheads and just stay embraced for awhile.

"I'm sorry." Bruce says breaking the silence.

"Stop apologizing. Please, it's over now." I say looking up at him.

"But I could have-"

I stop him, "there's a lot of things we both could have done differently. But it's in the past now." I sigh. "Don't worry, it's all done with."

Bruce sighs and smiles softly. "I know, I just-" I looks down. "I missed you. I missed your voice. I missed you walking around the manor. I missed you."

I lay my hand on his cheek. "And I missed you too."

"I can't lose you. Not now, not ever. Not again." Bruce starts to choke up, tears falling down his face.

I take my thumb and brush them off. "You'll never lose me. It's over now. I'm safe with you here."

"I love you, so much."

We lean into each others touch, as the feeling of safety falls over us. That night made things different for us.

"Why are you doing this. I don't understand." I sigh.

The Joker looks down at Bruce, who is watching me as best he can with the last bit of strength he's got. The Joker laughs,

"I do it because I'm bored."

Suddenly my ears ring as a gunshot is made through the cold air. My head spins as his body drops to the floor, blood pooling around him. I gasp in shock as I fall to my knees.

The joker lies lifeless, blood covering his pale face. I crawl away from him and cry out. I'm not sure why I'm crying. But it feels good to cry. I feel someone lift me up, as well as the weight of the world being lifted off my shoulders.

"Blue Jay! Batman!" I voice yells.

Batman lets me go and turns towards Jim Gordon who's been holding a gun. A troop of officers trail behind him.

"Commissioner Gordon." Batman greets.

I hadn't noticed that Batman had gotten his mask back on, while getting himself out of the ropes, while also helping me up. Before the other officers could see him.

"We got your friends message. Thank you." Jim says, referring to the hostage we told to inform Gordon of the situation.

"Just in time too." I stutter out.

The three of us look down at the lifeless body of the Joker.

"It's really over." I say, feeling better then ever.

"There's always work to be done in Gotham." Gordon says shaking his head, walking away from me and Batman.

"It's over now." Batman says putting his hand on my shoulder.

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