Together Forever

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I balance myself on the balls of my feet, rocking back and forth, waiting in anticipation. I bite down on my lower lip, leaning forward to see the people walking out of the sliding doors. My face lights up when I see a familiar blonde haired girl turn the corner and enter the room. Her eyes scan the area and land on mine. She breaks into a huge smile and runs towards me, waving her hand.

"Alice!" I yell opening my arms for a hug.

"Chrissy!" She yells.

We connect into a hug and she rock each other back and forth.

"Oh girl it's been too long!" She says pulling away.

She takes a step back and looks at me gasping, tears come to her eyes.

"You look great." She says.

"I feel great." I say sighing.

Behind her is a handsome man who has the most orange hair I've seen in my life, freckles sprinkled his face with his bright blue eyes locking into mine.

"This is Ben Nedmore. My soon to be husband." Alice says hugging him.

I laugh and give Ben a hug. "It's nice to finally put a face to your name." I say.

"Same goes for you. I've heard so much about you!" He says making me smile.

"All good I hope."

I pick up her bag and she grabs the other, we chat and walk out to our car. Chatting about how her family was, and her new job.

"You'll both be staying with me and my husband." I say smiling.

"Bruce Wayne correct?" Ben asks.

I laugh and nod my head.

"You got a smart one." I whisper to Alice.

She giggles and playfully hits my arm.

"How's Bruce?"

"Oh he's good, busy working as usually. He wants to take another vacation."

Alice huffs a laugh, "where does lover boy wanna go now?"

I laugh, "I have no idea."

The air gets silent as I drive out of the airport and into the city's highway.

"How's those nightmares." Alice asks softly.

I sigh, shrugging my shoulders. "It's been two years-"

"You still have them don't you?" Alice places her hand on my arm.

"Alice, it's been two years since the Joker was killed." I try to defend myself.

"Does Bruce know?" She asks.

"Sort of." I hesitate.

Alice sighs and leans into her seat.

We make it into the manor and Alfred greets us with open arms.

"Alfred!" Alice says hugging the butler.

"Hello dear, it's been awhile since I last saw you. How have you been?" Alfred says looking at my friend.

Alice gives Ben the proper introduction to Alfred.

I laugh and pull her bag into the manor seeing Bruce stand at the top of the stairs.

His hands are on his pocket, he looks calm and relaxed. The top few buttons are off from his white dress shirt, he must have just gotten back from work. His hair is neatly down but worn down from the day, with a few pieces onto his face. We make eye contact and he gives me a smile, I return the smile and turn to Alice.

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