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Bruce's POV

"And then she told me that this was her, and there's nothing I can do about it." I tell Alfred as he stitches up my wounds caused by Chrissy.

"Well Master Wayne-" he finishes his work, and pats my shoulder. "While you were gone, I got a little more insight in that serum."

"What did you find?" I ask as he leads me to the computer.

"It's made of the same compound of the Scarecrow's fear gas."

"So, the cure didn't work fully?" I ask looking at the dart.

"No, the cure you gave her had nothing to do with this. This serum had her DNA in it." Alfred says leaning back.

I look at Alfred and then back at the computer, it says her DNA structure is in the serum. It's true.

"She did mention something about the Joker taking her blood." I run my hand through my hair.

"The joker showed up. He's of course, still angry about me not killing the Bat." She says laughing a little. "He cut my arm open, and took some of my blood."
She runs her fingers along the scar.

"So The Joker used her DNA to help create the serum." I say shaking my head. "That's why it only works for her."

"The joker specifically made that serum to match her DNA." Alfred says.

I sigh and look down at my ring.

"She didn't believe me." Alfred watches me, "when I said we were married. She didn't believe me." My voice cracks.

"I'm sure Mister Wayne." He holds my shoulder. "We will help her, no matter what it costs."

"I hope so. Alfred, I really hope so."

I stumbled my way to the waterfall and watch the water trickledown the rocks in front of me. I look out into the rising sun through the water.

I swear I'll do everything, I'll risk my life to save her.

Batman: Back AgainWhere stories live. Discover now