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I tried to forget about it, and for a while I did. Bruce didn't say a word about recent sightings of the Joker, which made me think of other things.

I sat at my desk going over things for this weeks paper. I sigh and lean back, cracking my neck. I look over at a picture of me and Bruce on our wedding day. Another picture is me and Alice, making silly faces. I frown as I get back to my papers.

Alice left before my wedding. She went back to her home, urgent family matters, making it a permanent move. Resulting in her asking to be taken off the team. So I let her go. My best friend.

"Miss Wayne?" A man pops his head into my office. I look up and nod my head.

"You may want to see this." He leaves, I stand up and follow him.

In the break room, everyone on my team is crowned around the small TV on the wall. I push through some people and look at what's happening.

It's a reporter, one of the regular ladies who do the news. She's standing in front of Arkham Asylum, police cars and officers stand in front of the gate which holds Gotham's deadliest prisoners.

"Police have conformed that most prisoners from Arkham Asylum have escaped. They have told locals to remain calm and if you see any unusual behaviour to please contact authorities."

My phone starts to buzz in my pocket.

A picture of a women with white hair with red and blue at the ends of her hair shows up on the tv.

"Criminals like Harley Quinn, if you see this women, please call-"

I turn away before they show anymore pictures of some I've locked up in the past.

"This is fresh meat, people, get to work!" Our leader Griffin yells.

I head back to my office and answer my phone.


"Chrissy." Is all he says.

"I saw the news."

"So did I. Everyone here at Wayne enterprises are in a frenzy."

"Same here, its fresh stuff."

The line goes silent. I look out at the tv through the blinds in my office. The women is back on the screen. Red and blue.

"That women, she's been with the joker before." I say thinking out loud.

"Yes, Harley Quinn. I've had the misfortune of dealing with her years back."

"You put her in the asylum?" I ask.

"Thankfully, yes." He says sighing.

"I've seen her before. When I questioned the Scarecrow, I passed her in the asylum."

"I would assume so. She's dangerous." Bruce says.

"So am I."
Bruce laughs.

The day goes on and I feel as though I need to watch my back. This feeling of fear keeps creeping up on me. I make it back home and set my things on the floor. I sigh as I see Bruce walk into the room.

"Tired?" He asks smirking.


"Well we've got to talk." Bruce says stepping closer to me.

"How so?" I frown.

Then, Jim Gordon walk in the room behind Bruce.

"Commissioner." I say smiling.

"Mrs Wayne. How was the honeymoon?" He puts his hands behind his back.

"Wonderful, how's  the kids?" I ask as Bruce stands by my side.

"Oh you know, kids." Jim chuckles.

"Well I hate to break the small talk, but we should get down to business." Bruce says.

Jim, Bruce and I make our way to the office and Bruce sits in his desk with me by his side. Jim stands over the desk. The fire cracks from the other side of the room, making the room smell of fire.

"So I've guess you've both heard the news of the outbreak from the asylum?" Jim starts.

"Yes, I'm guessing your team is on the hunt." Bruce states.

Jim nods his head, "But their never as good enough as Blue Jay and Batman." Jim says putting his head down.

I sigh and fold my arms around my chest. I look behind Jim and watch the fire crack.


"I know it's been two years and you've both put the towel in, but Gotham needs you, both of you." Jim says leaning over Bruce's desk.

"I-" I start but lose my words. "I would love to, but-"

"I think what she's trying to say is..." Bruce stands up glancing at me. "We're retired, married, living our lives as we wish to. And, Batman and Blue Jay isn't part of us anymore."

Jim stands up straight. "I understand." He says nodding.

"I'm sorry Commissioner." I say.

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