It's Time

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Me and Bruce, along with Alfred stand in the middle of the rubble. Dark ask and wood cover the snow ground.

Some things are left to burn, smoke clears out as the fire fighters start to leave, along with the police. Bruce talks to an officer and walks back to me.

"They said it was foul play." Bruce says looking at his home, gone. "Somebody did this."

"What does that mean for us?" Alfred asks.

"I guess we'll have to stay at the apartment." Bruce says kicking some snow under his feet.

I turn away from them and make my way down the yard to the old well. I climb down into it without slipping on the ice that has frozen around it. I see everything clearly in the cave, forgetting that everything above is gone.

The cave is cold and damp, as always. The sound of water dripping and long nights after being out echo through the cave. I walk closer to everything that's laying around. The cot is still laying there, covered in dirt and stained blood from our many nights of needing Alfred to fix us up. I walk closer to a glass case, two actually.

A blue and black female suit sits on a lifeless display. I stand closer to my suit and my reflection stares back at me. All the times I've spent chasing the good guys and saving the villains. The times I've tried to kill my now husband.

I put my sword on his neck and laughed.

"Never turn your back on your enemies." I say but my luck ran short.

Batman grabbed my sword and flung me over his shoulder, making me land right on my back. I gasped for air when he did so as sharp pain ran through my back. He then put his boots on my hands, not hard enough to crush them but it will hurt later.

"Stop what your doing. You'll get yourself killed." He say leaning down in my face.

"By who, you?" I ask as he pulls his boots off my hands. He looks down at me and grabbed my by my suits collar, slamming me into the wall. My head slammed into the wall and I felt dizzy for moment.

"I don't kill." He says in a whisper.

"Why are you doing this? Your not taking me to the police, why?" I ask gritting my teeth.

"Because you will probably get killed for doing your job." He says.

"I'll get killed either way." I say snapping back.

I guess I was right. I'll get killed either way if I stopped. My suit just sits there, looking back at the women I've become. The loss I've experienced.

"Now-" the Joker then pulls out a gun. "-twist time."

He shoots the gun but not at me or Bruce. Right at Luke. He gasps as blood falls from his chest and out of his mouth.

"NO!" I screamed but Bruce holds me back.

"Every game has a villain that kills the loved one." The Joker says pointing the gun at us.

Bruce holds me to his chest as I cling onto his armour for dear life.

"Only 45 seconds left." The Joker says looking at his watch.

Bruce grabs my waist as the Joker begins to laugh a wicked laugh. Bruce pulls out a hook shot and pulls us out of the building. I hold onto him as we go upwards, seeing a crazy laughing Joker fade away along with Luke's dying body. I look away as Bruce pulls us out of the building. We run down the street as the building blows up. I turn around and gasp and cry. I'll never see Luke ever again. He's truly gone this time. Bruce holds my shoulder and I fall into his arms as I feel so stressed and exhausted. I let my tears fall as Bruce rubs them away. The morning sun begins to rise over Gotham city as I cry into my lovers chest.

I idea of losing a loved one to the hero way of living scares me. I sometimes wish I never knew about Bruce being Batman.

"Bruce?" My voice cracks and I start to shake.

"Chrissy." Bat- I mean Bruce says in his normal voice, no longer using his rough Batman voice.

"Bruce Wayne, the billion dollar playboy, is Gotham's beacon of hope, the dark knight, Batman." I say nodding my head. Bruce stiffs a chuckle.

"The hero and the villain, fall in love without knowing who they are at night." Bruce says smiling softly.

I look up at him and bust into laugher. I feel my hip hurt while I laugh and tears come to my eyes.

I hear footsteps click behind me as I bring myself back to where I am.

"Alfred made sure it didn't get dusty down here." Bruce says, sighing next to me.

"Hm." My mind goes crazy.

This is it.

"I think it's time we come out of retirement. This has gone to far." I say turning to Bruce.

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