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We moved Bruce to our room to make sure he doesn't get sick. The sun had come up and early morning kept the manner chilly. Alfred brought me coffee for me and Bruce. We slept and kept ourselves warm.

Birds chirp in the late afternoon. The air is cold, as I can see my breath. I pull my blanket closer and move my feet in the snow. The metal on the bench is cold on my back and legs. Bruce looks over at me. I look over at the yard and the piles of snow that has built up over time.

"What happened, with the three musketeers?" Bruce asks, jokingly.

I stiff a laugh and sigh. "What didn't happen." I say.

"You haven't told me anything about what happened." Bruce urges.

I look at his pale face, with his red cheeks. He's got tired eyes, and looks exhausted.

"They just wanted to threaten me, did they ever." I say looking past Bruce.

He stays silent, waiting for me to continue.

"The joker showed up. He's of course, still angry about me not killing the Bat." I say laughing a little. "He cut my arm open, and took some of my blood."
I run my fingers along the scar.


"I'm not sure, and that frightens me. Not knowing what his next move is." I say shaking my head.

"That's why I want Batman back." Bruce says.

I nod my head. "But I don't want that. Bruce," I take his hands. "We're married now, we need to be normal people. I know we've always wanted that." I say smiling.

"I do. I guess it really is time to retire." Bruce says smiling.

"Enjoy getting old together. I don't want to go to your funeral anytime soon. I'm serious. I love you, I love you too much to watch you get killed."

"And I love you too much to hurt you this way. I promise, I will protect you." Bruce says.

"Just protect me as Bruce Wayne. Not Batman." I say, Bruce leans in and kisses me like never before.

"How's your family?" I ask Alice on the phone.

"Oh you know, family." She says not very amused. "I heard about what happened in Gotham." Alice says.

"Yeah." I sigh leaning in my office chair. "The Scarecrow, Harley Quinn and Catwoman both took me and beat the shit out of me." I say.

The office is busy today, the first day back after the New Year. Every getting back to life after celebrating the start of something new.

"Really? What about Blue Jay and Batman?" I hear Alice move around on the phone.

"Well, Batman saved me-"

"But didn't you two agree not to go down that road again?"

"Yes, but, we talked and worked it out. We are retired." I say.

"Well that's good. You both agreed."

I stay quiet. "The Joker is back."

"I know." Alice says quietly.

"He took some of my blood."

"For what? Blood donation?" Alice jokes.

I laugh, "No I don't think so. It just worries me."

"I know Chrissy, but things always work out."

"I hope so Alice, I sure hope so."

I open my eyes in the dark. The room is hot, really hot. I look over at the window and see nothing. Bruce isn't in bed with me. He must be downstairs. My nose twitches as I smell fire. I turn towards the fireplace which is cold, no burning flames. I pull the overs off myself and walk towards the door. The floor is warm. I reach for the doorknob and grasp it. It's warm as well. I twist the knob but can't quite get it to open. I start to panic and think the worst so I start pushing. I slam into the door for the third time and it busts open.

In the hall, fiery flames fly through the room. I tumble back and cough as smoke fills my lungs.

"Bruce!" I yell coughing. "Alfred!"

No answer.

The hall is blocked with flames. I turn back to my room and open the window, I see Alfred standing outside. He sees me and yells to me.

"Miss Wayne!"

"Alfred!" I breathe the fresh air in.

"The fire department are on the way!" He yells back.

"Where's Bruce?"

Alfred shakes his head, "He must still be in there!"

At that moment I turn around and go to the flaming hall. There's fire blocking my path.

"Just run for it." I tell myself.

I put my arms over my head and run down the hall making it to the stairs. Parts of them are burning and the smoke grows thicker. Suddenly a part of the manor halls behind me, making me half jump down the hit stairs. I reach the living room and it's even more smokey.

"Bruce!" I try to yell.

The ceiling starts to fall and I make a dash towards his office.

"Bruce." I try once again. Nothing.

I bust open the door to his office, the fire even thicker in here. I can't breathe. I continue to cough and squint as my eyes burn from the smoke. My cheeks are beet red from the heat of the flames. Then suddenly, I see, in the smoke and fire. Bruce, on the floor face down.

"no no no." I whisper rushing to his side.

I push him over so his chest faces me. He's covered in ash and smoke. His eyes closed as if he were sleeping. I put my head on his chest and heat a faint heartbeat.

"Thank god."

I put his arm over my shoulder and lift him up the best I can. He's knocked out, from inhaling this smoke. All of his weight is on mine, making it difficult to make my way out the the manner.

Beams and paintings burn around me as I move Bruce's arm closer to my opposite shoulder. He starts to cough, meaning his gaining consciousness. I groan as the fire burns around me. I hear nothing but cracking and things falling to their nasty demise. I see lights flashing as my vision starts to fade.

I'm almost out.

I push myself and Bruce faster and faster. Suddenly filled with the cold winter air. I fall to the ground with Bruce as the doorway collapsed behind us. I cough and choke on clean air, so does Bruce.

Somebody starts to push me away from the fire. The cold snow cools my burning skin. I look to the side and see Bruce, coughing, tired, hurt once again.

Batman: Back AgainWhere stories live. Discover now