Chapter 2

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Odo by the song💓

I was already in my new school for 1 week and I joined the drama club,I hated joining clubs and I only joined because I wanted to watch.

Vera was in the press club,so I was alone,so far I spoke with only Josh mostly and a few girls in my class and that's on rare occasions.

The drama coordinator, Mr Felix came up to the podium to speak.

"Good morning students of this great institution and members of this renowned club,we all know that drama is the imitation of human character and as members of this club,we believe we pass a message to people. We train people to become professionals in the field of acting and lots more" Mr Felix said.

"Always the same topic" I heard a guy say and I found out it was George Kish,he was with a beautiful girl called Felicity,the girl was really a diva,her hair was styled in a cornrow and her skirt was quite short.

I didn't realize I was staring at George until he rudely interrupted my thoughts

"Take a picture,it will last longer"he said,pride dripping from his voice

"You are not so handsome,the camera won't even click" i replied and faced Mr Felix

"So am going to pick some characters for our upcoming play"Mr Felix announced

His eyes roamed about the hall like a hawk looking for a chick. I knew I was really tensed,I didn't want to be picked,I hated attention too. I clutched my skirt with my sweaty palms and prayed sincerely.

" Oh just perfect!" He exclaimed
"George and the girl right at his front"

Who was the girl at his front??
I was the girl!
I could see 200 eyes shot at me like daggers.

I walked to the stage with George following me closely.

"You both are going to be the lead characters for an upcoming play" Mr Felix said... Father Lord

"Sir am a commercial student " George tried to protest

"None of my business,it doesn't matter and don't dare me,this can affect your grades and you know your father" Mr Felix said and George was mute.

Everyday, I rehearsed with George,he was still his proud self but I really don't care,after rehearsals, I just pick my bag and leave.
One day the arrogant human being asked me a question that baffled me

"Why are you so egotistical?"he asked.. For your mind,you blow grammar. I looked at him and laughed.

"Look at a peacock calling another person proud,As far as I'm concerned  you are the only arrogant person here" I replied.

He was probably surprised that I would reply him

The next day I saw George on the passage way,he was looking dashing as usual with his well ironed uniform. He had a frown on his face and was talking with few boys that looked dashing.

I was about passing their group when Josh stopped me  with a wave.

"Heard that my wonderful cousin here is rehearsing with you everyday, hope he isn't giving you problem?" he asked with his cute face.

"Not really, just a little" I said and laughed awkwardly.

George was looking at me or so I thought, he had a smile on his face and I thought it was rude not to reciprocate despite the fact he was a jerk,I smiled back and then he frowned.

"Who is smiling with this one?" He asked no one in particular. I turned back and found Felicity. They both walked away like a lovely couple and I stood on my spot,I totally forgot he was an arrogant jerk.


Well that's chapter 2 and I really hope you enjoyed it,well its just the second chapter,am still a learner😇...thanks for reading and please vote and comment....George's POV is coming next..who is ready?

MY NAIJA HIGH SCHOOL STORY✔️Where stories live. Discover now