Chapter 7

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Catherine's POV

Dedicated to AdamsWonu and Chizzymichael16

I was quite happy I saw George, my stomach was just flipping million times.

Don't blame me, that's how I feel.

"So you now keep male friends" My aunty asked me once we entered her house. Faded blue paints, the small television on the table and the noise coming from the fan that was begging to be changed.

I never try for una ... I imagine the fan saying.
I kept quiet and watched my aunty, she was dressed in a colourful Ankara print that didn't fit her at all,she was just too robust and ugly,always sweating like she ran a marathon race and her wicked soul didn't help matters. I looked at her again and saw her neck probably trying to balance the weight of her head.

"Look,I don't have money to buy diapers oh,so if you like,don't use your head,well why am I even advising you,you will still do foolish things,its in your genes" she said looking at me with disgust.

Haha..I laughed inwardly, look at who is talking and who even taught her a new word? 'Gene'. Impressive!
I really don't blame her,I blame the cold hands of death that snatched my parents away from me.


My dad and mum had finished dressing, they were leaving for Jos and they weren't taking me along
"Dad,I want to follow you and mum" I said, tears falling off my eyes.
"Come on baby,we are coming back in two days time and Aunt Rose is going to stay with you" my dad said patting my head and my mum hugging me affectionately. Mum gave me my favorite chocolate and i watched as they passed through the door and that was the last time I saw them...they died in an auto crash.

Aunt Rose was my favorite aunt but then she suddenly changed and I saw her true colors. She started by complaining how fending for me was hard and then she started insulting me and hitting me sometimes.

"Why are you standing there,are your village people calling you?" My aunt said when she met me rooted on that same spot.

I saw her bend and I knew what she had in mind,I dodged quickly and ran out of the room.

Monday morning came quickly and I was super excited, I wore my uniform and hanged my black backpack. I was already imagining the tons of notes,classwork and homework waiting for me.

I walked to school quietly which was the normal routine. Streets vendors were already out and some women selling akara (beans cake) were already selling to hungry looking men. By the time I got to school, I was already late by 5minutes..Wow,just awesome.

"Senior senior" i hailed the prefect on duty. He had a tall and lean statue, an SS3 student. He was really handsome with those brown eyes and caramel skin that shone like he poured oil on it.

"Why are you late?" He asked sternly furrowing his eyebrows. I also noticed that he had a full eyebrow.

"I had to trek and I left home a bit late because I woke up late...." The guy did not even allow me finish.
"Just go abeg,and don't come to school late again." He said and I thanked him and left,I knew my innocent face worked.
After the assembly, I saw George and I went to meet him. He was looking handsome as usual,that chocolate skin of his looked just too beautiful and I noticed his well ironed uniform,just too ironed.

"Hi George" I said smiling.

"Hi" he replied a bit cold
"What's wrong?" I asked feeling concerned.
"Nothing" he replied and his eyes roamed about the hall ways and he continued "Catherine I think we need a little break,you just started behaving like I repel you".

George was obviously angry because of how I behaved towards him in the market but it wasn't intentional and I wish I could explain.

" George it's not like that,am just having some problems but am fine" I said.
"Oh please Catherine, you are hiding something from me,for goodness sake,what are friends for?" George said and walked away.

I kept watching as he walked away down the passage way,majestically and like a heard that right.
I was feeling really pressed,so I decided to use the ladies bathroom. The place was quite cozy with pink tiles and and a mirror. The bathroom was quite clean and smelt nice.

I met Natasha there,she was washing her hand in the sink. The water ran down her hand and she washed in between her fingers as if she was looking for something in between them.

"Hi Natasha" I said first and her face lit up when she saw me.
"Hey Catherine" she replied smiling broadly. Maybe smiling was her hobby.

I used the rest room and I met Natasha still there,she looked as if she was figuring something out.
"Hm, Catherine I don't know if you can make it but I would really like you to come to STELLAR joint on Saturday"

I thought about it for a while and I remembered that my aunty was travelling that day and I did a little dance in my head.

"By what time?" I asked.
"11:00am" she replied smiling "its a little chit chat, you would love it" she added and left.

I wonder why one of the most popular girls wanted to have a chitchat with me,well its not bad or is it?


So that's the end of this chapter and I want to thank you all for reading this book .SherryGold OnolexTim
Thanks guys and others,please don't be offended,you all mean a lot to me.

AdamsWonu hope I tried🙌🙌 real tutor. Check out her books.

Yours Wattpadly,

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