Chapter 21

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I really wish I can dedicate this chapter to someone but the number of votes is overwhelming. Thanks so much.

Honestly you will fall in love with the above song, I love it😍😍😍

George's POV

Ss3. It was a Monday morning after the long holiday  and I realized that I was going going back to school. I couldn't wait to graduate.

I had my bath quickly and brushed my hair. The holiday had been a long one indeed,well a month and two weeks was long to me, I wanted to go back to school and meet my friends.

The limousine dropped us in front of the gate and I could see students moving in,both new and old faces.

School went on normally for weeks until one day the news  of how a boy slapped his classmate went viral,the news had it that he was considered a weakling and unfortunately his victim was a bully.

"That's a lesson for all; never underestimate people" I said.

"Honestly, if you see the boy,very slim like a broom stick" Josh said smiling.

"There's a new girl in Ss2 " Michael chipped in.

"So?" I asked drawing the last letter.

"She's going to be using the court with us and trust me,she's a total queen of basketball" he said. We had joined the team just recently and by next term we were dropping out because of our exams.

When we got to the basketball court,the girl was already there,she was throwing the ball into the net accurately without missing. She was not too tall,oval face with a pointed nose and she was light in complexion and her hair was styled into an afro.

"Hey,am Sharon" she said smiling and we all introduced ourselves,she was sure a great player and soon enough we all became great friends.

Sharon became my great friend too,we talked a lot and laughed too. She had a great sense of humour too because she had a silly nickname for everybody.


Catherine's POV

George hardly spent time with me, he was beginning to go distant.
One day I went to his class to meet him but he was already packing his stuffs.

"George we have to talk" I said looking at him intently.

"Can't it wait? Baby I have basketball practice" he said  with his eyes fixed on his books.

"George like right now,at home you are always tired or on your phone, am sick and tired of all these" I told him and then he looked up.

"Am so sorry Cath,I thought you understood how time consuming basketball is and what it means to me" he said calmly.

"George I have tried but it seems basketball is now better than me" I countered.

"Am so sorry baby,I will make it up to you,please" he pleaded and peaked me on my cheeks and left.

Two days later,I went to the basketball court to see George,he was with a girl in Ss2,he seemed free with her and played basketball laughing and raising her up. I tried not to choke but I couldn't help it.

Calm down girl,it's just basketball.

George seemed to notice my presence and then walked over to me with the girl.

"Hey Cath" he said and peaked me.

"Sharon meet my baby and Catherine meet Sharon my teammate" he introduced.

MY NAIJA HIGH SCHOOL STORY✔️Where stories live. Discover now