Chapter 6

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George's POV

I hurriedly had my bath,had my breakfast and went to the Limousine which was waiting for me,my dad was quite rich and he owned fleets of car,but my sister and I always took the Limousine to school.

"George do you have to keep me waiting?" Natasha asked licking her lollipop like a little child..what kind of person is this.

I ignored her because my mind was occupied with other thoughts.

"Praise the lord!,George did not start a fight with me,I hope all is well?" She asked. I looked at her and sighed inwardly,I was not in the mood to answer her.

"Are you alright?" She asked in a soft tone.

"Am fine, thank you" I replied and looked out through the window and watched the cars and people walking on the street,I have not been myself since Catherine ran from me, her bruise kept flashing like a clear picture in my mind, what could be her problem?. I was really worried.

I looked closely again and saw a girl carrying pure water on her head,it was not yet 7:30,what if I was the girl? I asked myself and sighed again.

More children were on the street, Hawking had resumed,many people with unreadable expressions kept moving past.

The morning traffic was crazy, everyone seemed to be in great haste. Different school children walking to school,some in torn clothes patched with different colours of thread but they all had smiles on their faces.

Soon the car stopped in front of my school,I walked in with Natasha and soon her friends were all over her,talking and some greeting me warmly and throwing winks at me, I hissed within me and went to my class, I went to the science class and I couldn't find Catherine, I looked at the time and I found out it was just a minute before the bell will be rung,Catherine hardly came late and I was worried. After the assembly, Catherine did not show up and during the break period,I went to her class and she wasn't there. I asked Vera and she had nothing to say.

"Where is that girl?" I asked myself.. Was she sick, angry,what exactly?. But then I laughed at myself,it seemed my mind was mocking me.

"When did you start caring for people. I heard my inner mind saying.

I didn't even know where she lived which was the worst part of it. My day in school was quite boring, I felt really lonely though my friends tried to cheer me up,several girls made passes.

After school,I hopped into the car and waited for my sister. About 20 minutes later,I saw her walking out with a guy,I tried to remember his name,yes, Caleb, he was nicknamed 'baba for the girls' and he dared to come close to my sister. He just stepped on the tail of a tiger,I rushed out of the car and punched the boy angrily.

"Guy watin dey worry you" He asked in his funny pidgin English accent.
"Let me not ever see you close to my sister" I told him

"Abeg jor,are you going to marry your sister,as if its not the same person you will sell out for 50 tubers of yam" Caleb said.

My sister got mad and slapped him hard on the face. Her face seemed to be getting red and she clutched get fist to stop her from doing more damage

"Its your sister that will be sold out for 50 tubers of yam not me" Natasha said clearly irritated by the nerve of the guy.

"Natty its not like that,I didn't mean it that way" he said but she walked to the car and slammed the door.

"Keep off" I said and left Caleb who have been helped on his feet. I entered the car and found Natasha sobbing.

"Its OK Natasha" I tried to console,she hated scenes a lot.

"Leave me alone, you started all these,why did you punch him in the first place,what is wrong with you?" She asked.

Yeah, what actually is wrong with me, Caleb did nothing to me but at the same time,he was a player and I didn't want him to break my sister's heart or mess with her life.


My mind was restless for days,Catherine still didn't show up and I was worried. I couldn't even sleep well or eat,I was quite restless and I regretted the reason I didn't follow her when she ran off.
It was a hot afternoon ,I didn't go to school and so with Natasha because we had a public holiday. I picked up my phone and wondered who I was going to call,I scrolled through my long list of contacts

Yes,I will call Josh, I just wanted to leave this house and go out,somewhere so that I could relieve all the tensions that was building up.

I called Josh and he picked and I told him to come over.
"What's wrong man?" He asked immediately he stepped into my room. He wore a blue jeans trouser and a white shirt.

"I want to go out, do you have any idea where we could go? " I asked him.

"Yeah,dress and get some cash" he said and excused me.
I quickly wore my clothes, a black Jean, black shirt and a black leather jacket,I actually love black.

"Let's go" I told Josh,he was already engrossed in the movie he was watching.

Josh came with his power bike and I was actually impressed the way he rode. The power bike was a gift from his dad on his birthday.
"Josh don't kill me "I said when he drifted.

"Oh please shut up,am showing my skills "he said.
"Please don't use my life and show your skills" I said.
He chuckled and we stopped in front of a market


It was written boldly.
"We are here" Josh told me. I looked at him like a fool.

"What's your problem?" He asked.

"Don't tell me that this is the best place you could bring me to" I asked.

"Well what were you expecting, a mall or a hotel,what exactly? Or a relaxation joint, haven't you been to those places,I want you to see something new,fresh things,so better smile and follow me" he said.

I obeyed and followed him like a little boy that had no choice. The heat was unbearable and the noise coming from different directions weren't helping matters. Different loud speakers,women haggling over prices, a lot of baby cried and smell of food stuffs mixed with sweat and perfume.

It was just crazy. I've never been to such a congested place with seas of head all in sight.

Just as the heat was unbearable and Josh was haggling with an Hausa trader, I scanned the whole market with my eye all at once and I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me till I saw her.....

I actually saw her. I didn't even bother telling Josh,I headed towards her trying to stop myself from running towards her.

"Catherine" I called still doubting if it was her.

She turned around and gave me a weak smile.

"George" she nearly whispered.

"You've being on my mind for a week,why aren't you coming to school? I've being thinking of ways to come to your house? I said all at once.

"And who is this?" A fat woman asked looking at me with spite in her eyes.

"His my classmate"Catherine replied quietly.

"Are you Catherine's mum ma?"

"Am her aunty and I don't care about your existence,get out from my way"

She dragged Catherine along with her while I watched on.

Catherine didn't even spare me one look, she followed her aunty immediately.


Thanks so much for 100+ reads,I don't know how to thank you guys and am so sorry for not updating for some time now😲...
This is my longest chapter so far and am so happy.

However please
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👉Comment:I need someone to appreciate the work, it's not about the reads, I also need readers
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Yours wattpadly,

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