Chapter 23

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George's POV

Catherine told me about the letter and when we tried to think, we found no one and I waved it aside.

Today was finally her birthday, my heartbeat, it was just 6:00am and I opened the door and met her sleeping. I kissed her forehead and she stirred and opened her eyes and looked at me directly.

"Good morning" she greeted.

"Good morning love, happy birthday" I said and she looked at me with her lovey dovey  eyes and I smiled.

"Thank you so much baby" she said and hugged me, I gave her the flowers and hanged a necklace round her neck, it was a customized diamond necklace with her name on it.

"Do you like it?" I asked.

"No, I love it" she replied and I smiled. She was wearing only her bum short and a big shirt with messy hair.

"I know my hair is messy, don't give me that look" she said frowning and I smiled.

"I was wondering why an angel like you is on earth" I said in a cool voice, she melted in my hands and I wrapped my hands over her body.

"Lemme brush" she jumped away from my body and ran into the bathroom, after some minutes, she was through and gave me an unexpected kiss on my lips.

"I had to brush to do that" she grinned. She had just turned the fire in me and I gently pulled her close and our lips smashed together, the kiss went slow and then rough,she was well balanced on my legs and I held her close as she dug her fingers into my back, I loved her this way,she was my good girl that turned bad for me and then we deepened the kiss and I couldn't get enough and just then I heard loud coughs and we parted and it was Natasha standing at the door with the cake. Catherine was beyond embarrassed and well me,I was shy.

"Don't worry people, my eyes are closed, I didn't see anything but next time try to lock the door, you don't want mum seeing you both,bad children" Natasha said and dropped the cake before running away. It was a blue cake with Catherine's name and several designs. It was just a simple cake to express how much she meant to me. This time she hugged me tightly and closely.

Her birthday was a blast, we had fun,went shopping and even on a date.

Catherine's POV

I was sitting with George and  just laying my head on his thighs. We were both quiet and just enjoying the silence.

"What perfume do you use" I asked.

"Infinity" he replied.

"I like the scent, strong but sweet" I said.

"That's why I also love it,all my cousins use it"

"Wow, that's great" I replied and went quiet again.
The word cousins registered in my brain. When I went to my room,I took at the letter and the first scent that hit my nose was infinity perfume.

"That's strange" I muttered and thought of it for a while.

Two weeks later, I was reading with George and sighted a familiar handwriting.

"Where does this handwriting come from" I asked him.

"Why are you asking?" George replied with a question and I understood immediately.

"Am not suspecting you about anything, am just asking because the handwriting seems familiar" I replied.

"Well it's for Josh, I was feeling lazy and he helped me"

I spaced out,the handwriting! The perfume! The background! The first person!

"Catherine are you OK?" George asked me looking concerned.

"Yeah, am fine"
It was no other person than Josh, the whole thing was tracing its way back to him and I couldn't tell George, I don't want  a situation where cousins  would have issues because of a girl.

"Are you sure?" He asked again.

"Yes" I nodded and gave a tight smile. I faced my book, I had planned to confront Josh privately.

Quick update😜😜
So how was the chapter?
Can't believe I wrote a kiss scene😯😯😯

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