Chapter 5

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Soco by star boy...💓💓

George's POV

This Catherine Adams was making me feel crazy and silly. I was having this strange feeling and like that's not the best feeling with the problems I had but it seemed Catherine makes me forget them for a while...

Why am I even thinking of that girl, with her pink lips and bright eyes,she was just the kind of girl I needed,fearless and always had comebacks for me. But I noticed some things on Catherine's body,scars and bruises,sometimes she hid her pains behind her smiles and she thought I didn't notice.

My eye darted off and meet her lean figure walking to class,her face beautiful as usual but looking tired and sick and I was immediately worried. I walked to her before she entered her class.

"Catherine" I called but she didn't reply until I shook her shoulder.

"Oh George, good morning" she said weakly.

"You look sick Catherine, what's wrong?,do you need a doctor?" I asked

"No am fine, I just need a little rest" she replied and smiled trying to wave it off. The bell went off and she went inside her class to drop her bag and I left.
I couldn't concentrate on the assembly ground, I turned occasionally to look at Catherine, she looked really sad and tired.

The first thing we had was Religion and I went to the Art class to meet other Christians. The teacher was teaching about Jonah in the Bible and then she threw a question at Catherine who looked absent minded.

"Come again ma" Catherine said looking confused.

"What are you thinking about Miss Adams?" The teacher asked.

"Am sorry ma" Catherine apologized and the teacher shook her head.

"Maybe she's thinking of George her boyfriend" I heard and turned to face the person and it was Joyce, I detested that girl like Ebola,she can spread news faster than CNN and BBC put together...she had a PhD in amebo studies.

I gave a death glare to Joyce who froze,she wasn't expecting me to hear it.
I didn't see Catherine again and when school lessons were over, she disappeared and I couldn't find her.

"What's wrong with Catherine?" I asked Vera who seemed to be her only friend.
"I honestly don't know, since today she has been acting strange" Vera said.
"OK" I replied and left,I went outside the school and I sighted Catherine walking home.
"Catherine" I called and she turned.

Catherine's POV

I turned back and I saw George.
"Hi Catherine" he said looking worried. I knew he was worried about me.

"George you look worried" I said

"Why won't I?, today you look sick,absent minded and you aren't your usual self" George replied.

"Am fine" I said.

George was quiet for a short time and I saw his eyes fixed on my hand.

"What happened to you?" He asked and held my hand. It was quite a serious bruise and I had treated it earlier,my aunt threw a fat stick towards me just because I forgot to boil some water for her bath.

"It's nothing" I replied smiling awkwardly.

"Catherine this bruise is serious and you are saying its nothing" George said looking baffled.

"George I have to go now" I said and moved away from him.

"Catherine..." George said trying to come closer but I moved back and ran,I ran since I didn't want him to follow me.

I walked into my house, the house I dreaded, I perceived a sweet aroma coming from the kitchen but I removed thoughts of eating the food from my mind.

"Catherine there are lots of plates to wash and be fast about it because I have other things for you to do,lazy girl" that annoying voice said from the kitchen.

"Yes aunty" I said and when I wanted to enter my room her voice stopped me
"And no school for you this week" my aunty said. It was pointless arguing with her or pleading, her heart was carved out of Mount Everest.


Am feeling so bad for Catherine😥😥😥😥 and unfortunately many people especially children are maltreated.
Well I guess George would be so lonely and so the next two chapters would be George's POV.
Thanks to all those reading but please make me happy by:
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Yours wattpadly,

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