Chapter 14

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Catherine's POV

I was walking without direction but it was good since I was faraway from my house.

I've never being outside the house at this time of the night and I was so cold and scared. Kidnapping was popular and also rituals,what if I fell into such traps? I prayed I wouldn't. I wrapped my arms around myself to prevent myself from the cold but it was just fruitless.

I was so lost in thought and I  didn't know when I hit the hard stature of a male, I just knew it was a male,probably a thief or rapist or even ritualist or even a kidnapper.

The person jolted out of probably his thinking,he was also drenched and his shirt was hung on his body and then the person fixed his eyes on me..wait a just can't be..what the hell was George doing here.

"Catherine" he mumbled and it sounded more like a question.

"Are you in the rain?"
No,I turned the shower on

And then he realized how stupid the question was and face palmed himself.

"Sorry I mean why are you in the rain,what happened?" He asked tenderly and wiped off the blood from the corner of my mouth gently. His eyes carried so much pity and his voice was so soothing and then I realized how much I missed him.

"What happened to you Catherine" he asked again but I simply gazed at him.

"Talk to me Catherine! Am losing my mind" he said to me and pulled me into a hug,his arms were comforting even in the rain and I felt safe.

"Can't talk, my head is aching and my legs" I said with the little strength I could muster. George nodded and carried me on his back,I was wondering how he was going to take me home and as if he knew what was on my mind.

"My house is not really far from here, just around the corner" he said and started walking. The air was quite chilly and it was still raining. George's scent was intoxicating and I held unto him. There was an awkward silence and I felt the need to ask him.

"Why are you also in the rain and by this time?" I asked me and he sighed.

"Don't worry about it" he replied with a tone of finality and I decided to allow it slide. Soon enough we got to his gate,the rain was so no longer falling and I knew George was kind of exhausted. He knocked twice before a man opened the door, he was of average height and was dressed neatly unlike other gatemen in his yellow and black uniform.

"Evefybody just dey look em for you" he said (everyone has just been searching for you).

"I know Musa" George said and dipped his hand into his pockets and brought out some wet notes "here take this and don't tell anybody about her" he said handing out the notes to Musa whose eyes had widened at the sight of money.

"No froblem oga" (no problem sir) Musa replied reassuring George. The door leading to the house was open,they probably knew that George was coming back. He led me up through the staircase and helped me till I got to his room.

"You need to take your bath,you are cold and bruised" George told me after i slumped on his bed. I looked around the room and noticed how spacious it was and painted sky blue my favourite colour. Different posters pasted on the wall,some were footballers and others were celebrities. He also had cool art pieces on the wall and then my eyes fell on the shoe rack,mehn,he had cool collections of shoes. His room in total screamed wealth including the expensive looking bed I was on.

"Am just going to call Natasha maybe she might have some girly stuffs to give you" George said. He was wearing just a singlet and he moved towards the door.

MY NAIJA HIGH SCHOOL STORY✔️Where stories live. Discover now