Chapter 20

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First before I begin this chapter, I just want to apologize for not updating for so long, school,family and stress held me down and in addition writer's block. Am so sorry.😳

Dedicated to zulaihaumar,you special dearest.

Natasha's POV

Catherine bursted into uncontrollable laughter and I looked at her wondering if she was crazy.

"You know you are crazy right?,what kind of wild thought is that?" She asked when she finally stopped laughing.

""I stuttered.

"Look Natasha, I am not pregnant and I can't be,quit being silly" Catherine said laughing and I joined in the laughter, it was kinda contagious and for once I saw it was really foolish to think Catherine was pregnant. We dressed hurriedly for school and we both went out to meet George, she had already planned to go for a test.


Catherine's POV

The thought of Natasha thinking I was pregnant made me laugh. I knew I had kissed George more than once but never did we go beyond that.

We had just finished maths and our next subject English
but the man hardly came early to class.

"Hey baby" I heard a familiar voice and I knew who it was,I smiled and caressed his cheeks, he was just too handsome.

"How are you doing?" He asked sweetly.

"Fine,isn't it obvious,?" I asked sarcastically and he frowned,I just wanted to get on his nerves.

"If you won't smile,better leave my seat oh" I said and he made to stand up and I held him.

"Are you really going?" I asked,I didn't want him to leave.

"Of course" he replied and I smiled.

"Go na" I told him trying to keep an arrogant face and he actually left and he went to a girl called Anita,she was actually beautiful and I felt a tiny tinge of jealousy.

George was smiling about something and so also with the girl and I sighed,my blood was boiling with jealousy and I placed my head on my desk and few minutes later, George came back,touching my hand.

"Don't touch me" I warned.

"What did I do?he asked and I hissed.

"You asked me to leave ,don't forget that part " he said again.

"Just leave me alone and go and meet her" I told him.

George laughed provoking me more.

"So you are jealous?" He asked.

"My jealous baby" he cooed and tried to touch my cheeks but I slapped his hand away.

"Ouch! Was that really necessary? You started it " he tried  to remind me but I ignored him.

"Okay,am sorry Catherine" he apologized and that was when I turned to face him.

"I didn't hear you" I said

"I said am sorry" he repeated and I smiled.

"Am sorry too George, I was only joking" I said and we both laughed at our childishness.

"Hope you are reading for exams?" I asked.

"Yes of course" he replied and smiled broadly and his dimple deepened. I didn't know I was staring at him till he waved his hands over my face.

"I know am too handsome and you are probably thinking how lucky you are" he said with his ego setting in.

"Shut up jor" I said smiling.

"I have a class now" George said standing up.

"Really?" I asked with a hint of sadness.

"Yeah,don't miss me too much", George replied and gave me a peak on my head and then 'awwns' came from different directions.

"Get a room guys" A silly boy hollered and George smiled and then left. Just then our English teacher walked in, Mr Philip aka Fish.

"I think I really need panadol " Vera said walking  out of the examination hall. Our hall had the capacity to contain over a thousand people. Vera was in art class and my first friend in Chinos High school and over time we drifted apart and only spoke to each other few times.

"Honestly" I replied. We had just finished our last paper which was mathematics. The theory questions were a bit complex but the objectives were just fine.

"At some point,I got hooked and I couldn't solve any other thing, am an art student and I don't know what I really need maths for,I don't know of I will be solving for x when conducting an interview" Vera complained and I smiled,it was kinda true.

We walked away from the hall before Vera started a conversation.
"Its been long we hanged out" Vera said.
"Yeah that's true"
"I guess you forgot me"she accused

"No oh,its just kinda complicated" I said and she shrugged. Just then,two girls came towards us. I knew them, Favour and Martha. They were both wild girls and were reputed as 'party riders'.

"Hey Vera" they both said together. They behaved like twins too,the same hair style,shoe and bag.

"What's up" Vera asked.

"Cool" Favour replied.

"Aren't you that George's babe?" Favour asked. I smiled shyly and nodded.

"Lucky you,I heard his dad is a rich man" Martha said, she was probably the more quiet one,she had well trimmed nails, bright eyes,red lips and she was a melanin goddess.

"Am not dating him because of money"I corrected.

"Oh" Favour sighed "Well,am not going to eat love,am not into broke guys".
They spoke little with Vera and left.

"So we are finally going to Ss3" Vera said.

"How time flies, I can't wait to drop this uniform" I said.

"You mean this bondage, I will burn it into ashes" Vera said looking serious and I laughed.

Ss3 wouldn't be that bad or would it?


Thanks also for making my book 3k,thanks so much😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

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