Chapter 18

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Honestly am so sorry for not updating for almost two weeks if not more than. I have been really busy and I hope this chapter makes up for everything.

Dedicated to lexicon75 all the correction,comments and votes, I appreciate 💓✌
And you can check out his books, Daniella


George's POV

Catherine cheated on me! Why? How?. I tried so much to believe her but the video was clear, so glaring.... Catherine!. I was sitting on the long stool close to my dad's bar sipping the clear white London gin,I hardly took alcohol in the house due to the rule but in this situation,I was going to break it. Mum was not at home,Natasha had gone to the saloon and Catherine, well I don't care.

I couldn't concentrate in school, thoughts of all the fun times filled my mind and I bit my lips in class to stop myself from screaming, she really played me big time. I drank the contents in the glass in one gulp and I winced at the bitter taste and the effect it was having on me. My vision was getting blurry and my head clouded with nothing but anger. I managed to locate the staircase and moved towards my room and in a minute my eyes were shut against the bright light.


The next day I woke up with a terrible headache,I took aspirin and then I felt better.

"George you were sleeping when I came back up till this morning, are you fine?" My mum asked with so much concern.

"Yes ma,am fine" I replied. Catherine was sitting opposite me on the dinning table, she looked beautiful as usual and so innocent.... Devil. I turned away quickly to avoid being lost in her beauty, I couldn't deny that I still felt something strong for her.

The ride to school was quiet and tensed and once we arrived, I was the first to jump out of the car.

I walked into my class and the only noise was from the chattering of some girls including Caro,she had a crush on me ever since we were in Jss3 but I never took interest in her though she was beautiful and hot.

"George am so sorry about Catherine" she said sincerely, well am not too sure but she looked sincere.


"That girl is really a bitch,how could she do a thing like that?" She asked rhetorical and I forced a smile. I already had a plan in my mind,I was going to use Caro!


Catherine's POV

George was still mad at me and the worse part of it was that he had refused to give me a chance to explain and right now,he is always with Caro.

As I walked to the commercial class to collect my note from a boy there,I could hear the loud screams and cheering from people. I never knew commercial students were noisy, I walked into the class and I moved towards the centre of attention and my eyes nearly left the sockets. George was sitting on a chair with Caro on his laps,they were both kissing so passionately like their life depended on it.

I was dumbfounded by the sight of the boy I loved and the girl I disliked making out. The whole class grew quiet and they both stopped kissing, George's eyes held no remorse and for Caro,she was smirking like she won a lottery. I immediately braced up and moved towards the boy.

"My note" I said calmly and he looked at me with mischief in his eyes.

"How about we also kiss,date me and forget about George" he said.

"You must be very stupid" I countered, the nerves of the boy!he had a big mouth and an oblong head and he really had no respect.

"Abeg jor, don't come and he forming for us oh. You should be happy am ready to taka a slut like you" the boy insulted. I grew quiet,the insult was too much, my eyes was filled with tears,I looked at George to at least stand up for me but I was disappointed, he made no move, his eyes icy,he turned away from me and then,he left.

MY NAIJA HIGH SCHOOL STORY✔️Where stories live. Discover now