Chapter 24

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Catherine's POV

I met Josh personally with the aim of confronting him. That day he was sitting alone,reviewing past questions since our exams were fast approaching. Our school had repeatedly told us that we won't receive any help so we were all serious. The exam was even very close. I could sense the uneasiness when I was approaching Josh.

"Hey" I greeted

"Catherine"he called my name slowly,rubbing his hands together

"Can I have a word with you?" I asked

"Sure"he replied

"You were the one who sent the letter"I said directly

"What letter?"he tried to deny but his face gave him away

"You are lying and its obvious Josh"I countered.

"Ok yes,yes I wrote the letter, I wrote it because its high time you know, are you happy now?" He asked and looked away.

"Josh am so sorry but its not actually my fault that fate brought George to me"I explained.

"I understand"he replied "and am sorry"he added.

"So we are friends now right"? I asked and he nodded and I smiled.

George's POV

It was just two weeks to our final exams in secondary school and I was quite nervous because my dad was yet to change his mind about sending me abroad. I even asked mum to help me but he was just bent on ruining my plans and I was yet to tell Catherine about it. We had just finished having a combined class,Catherine was sitting beside me and I was lost in thoughts.

"George help me solve this" she said. It was actually a bearing word problem and I finished it in no time.

"You have been moody all day? Your laughs are not genuine and you just seem distracted" she told me. She was observing me all along.

"Or are you on your period?" She teased and I laughed, its like she's high on drugs, am I a girl?

"You are not serious" I told her and she grinned.

I knew I had to tell her because she was thinking we were both going to the same university.

"Catherine anything I tell you now,I want you to know I love you and nothing is going to change it" I said soothingly.

"You are dying?" She asked a bit serious.

"No oh" I chuckled and faced her
"My dad wants me to study abroad and that means we can't attend the same university but I promise you that I will come back for you" I said and her eyes were already red,the tears were threatening to drop and it broke my heart.

"Catherine please don't cry,the situation may change"I said but deep down I wasn't sure.

I enveloped her into a hug and she stopped crying.

"Children of nowadays,they don't have fear,even in the school they will be hugging as if the hug is their source of life" a voice which I recognised as that of our civic teacher said and I drew away from Catherine.

"Open your past question booklet to page 14, Josh read the questions, anybody that fails to answer my questions will be dealt with" she said and everyone groaned angrily. I removed my booklet from my bag and threw a glance at Catherine,she was still sad and I felt bad.

Our WAEC started in earnest and our first paper was English language. It was not a problem at all. We were all sitting in the big multipurpose hall. Catherine was sitting at the front since her surname started with A. The exam made people look stressed and ugly. Some had pimples suddenly, some were looking thin and some had dark circles around their eyes.

However the day we wrote mathematics, i found out that 5G network was available, most of the art student hate maths and we couldn't allow them to fail and thus we helped them and that was why we were all smiling home.

When I got home however,I got a bad news; my mum was in the hospital.

I apologize for not updating for long🙏
Hope it's not too late to wish you all a merry Christmas and wonderful new year ahead.
As you have noticed, this book is gradually coming to an end and to those saying its too fast,its actually not my fault, just the way I can write.

Thanks for 7k+ reads guys,you all are amazing...😘😘😘😘😘😘. 🙆🙆🙌.... Oshey

Keep voting and commenting, love you all.

Yours Wattpaddly,

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