Chapter 16

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Catherine's POV

It was the final hearing in the court and George was as usual sitting beside me stroking my palm gently. Aunt Rose was sitting in the box and my lawyer came in view,she was a beautiful lawyer however who was always smiling but when in the court, she always had a stern face. She bowed before the bespectacled dark judge and started.

"Your honor, today I want to present the final evidence that proves that Catherine have been badly treated for years,if it may please the court,may I call my client, Catherine Adams". The judge nodded.

" Catherine Adams " the court clerk called and I stood up,I was quite shy as I moved towards the front. The case have been on for two months and I was really getting tired.

"Can you show this honorable court one of the disastrous injury you have?" My lawyer said urging me with her eyes. I slowly lifted up my shirt and reveled two big scars that ran through my stomach, my aunt had used an iron wire to flog me. I could hear the sympathetic voices and it irked me.

"You may now go back" my lawyer said and I walked back to my seat slowly. The sympathetic looks people were giving me was killing and I hated myself that moment.

The case dragged on and on with various evidences and exchange of words and then finally the judge spoke up.

"After careful examination of this case,I have discovered that Catherine Adams is an orphan and a victim of child abuse. The evidences are glaring and it has been proven that Rose Clinton is indeed guilty. I am very saddened by the fact that a young girl could be treated so badly by her aunt and it is becoming a rampant case despite all efforts to curb it." He paused and then looked at the whole people present in the court. They were all listening with rapt attention to hear his verdict.

"To serve as a determent to others, you are sentenced to 7 years imprisonment with no option of fine" the judge pronounced and Aunt Rose started crying and pleading.

"Court rise" the court clerk said and we all stood up and the judge left and Aunt Rose was taken away. My lawyer walked up to me beaming with smiles.

"Congratulations girl" she said cheerfully.

"Thank you very much ma" I replied. She nodded and walked away to talk with George's mum.

"Are you OK?" George asked me when he noticed I was quiet.

"Yeah,just worried about Aunt Rose" I replied,though she treated me badly,she was still my aunt. George said nothing at first but engulfed me in a hug.

"Am here for you, anytime you need me" he whispered into my ears and I held him tightly oblivious of my surrounding.

George's POV

Catherine was quite happy now. We had finished our exams and we were on holiday and I decided to take her out.

"Wow" she said for the hundredth time when we came to the beautiful garden which was close to the river. We took pictures and had ice cream and then I decided to have my special moment with her.

"Catherine let's go somewhere else" I suggested and she nodded. I took her to the bank of the river which was away from the sight of people. We sat down and she closed her eyes and I watched her for a moment,she was just too beautiful and the blue gown she was wearing made her look at peace and like an angel. She opened her eyes and then gave me a smile that melted my heart and I returned it too.

"Catherine" I called her breaking the silence and she turned to face me fully. My stomach knotted at what I was about to say,my palms sweaty and my head trying to contradict what my heart was telling me.

"I love you." I said and watched her reaction,it went from being surprised, shocked and then shy.

"At first i tried to convince myself that it was just an attraction that will surely wear off but with time I realized that it was more thank that"I said and I knew it wasn't my usual lines to get any girl,I was being sincere.

"George honestly... I don't...know.." she kept stuttering and I leaned towards her and claimed her lips, at first she stiffened but then she parted her lips and I gained entrance and before we knew,we were kissing hard,her hand on my chest and the other digging into my hair as we deepened the kiss,however we both needed oxygen so I broke the kiss and she turned away shyly.

"Your first kiss?" I asked her and she nodded.

"Your lips taste like strawberry  " I said

"That's because I took strawberry flavoured ice cream dummy" she replied and we both laughed and then we were quiet again.

"So Catherine, would you please be my girlfriend?" I asked looking into her twinkling eyes.

"Yes" she replied and I hugged her, she felt so warm and our bodies fitted perfectly.

"Can I kiss you again?" I asked but my phone decided to ruin my show.

"Pick your call" she urged me and I checked the caller ID and it was my mum.

"Mum is probably looking for us, let's go home" I said but not without stealing a quick kiss.

"Stop being a thief" she said pushing me away playfully.

"Well you are now my girlfriend baby" I replied smirking.


Hey guys,its been long I updated and am sorry, we still don't have light and I ensure that my phone is charged through various means so please just vote,it doesn't hurt to put a smile on a face Na.... Abi?

And comment too so that I can know your opinions..❤

So who is happy that George and Catherine are finally a oh🙌🙌

Any shipnames?
I suck at that😪

And I finally wrote a kissing scene!!!..hope I tried?

Please... Vote, comment and share and shout out to those adding this book to their reading list, I love you all😘😘😘...

3% again oh,I gat to go🙋🙋🙋

Yours Wattpadly,

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