Chapter 15

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Let it go by Elsa,raise your hands if you will still watch Frozen when you are 50...😂😂😂

Dedicated to SherryGold,I heart her so much for staying with me from the beginning till this point, thanks dear..... ❤❤❤

Cherry's POV

So am finally living Nigeria, the coolest country on earth, I would really miss the beans cake, the loud music, the noisy roads,the jollof rice,the market women and George. I had realized that he wasn't for me and though it was painful to let go,it also helped me. I was finally going back to my dad and Korea. I was going to get help.

I had finished my last minute packing, I took my class picture and threw it into my bag,I will really miss them,it hurts so much and tears rolled freely from my eyes. I sat on my table and wrote a quick letter to Catherine, we weren't friends exactly but I saw it necessary to apologize to her and tell her how much George adores her, though it's just high school life and it may end,she needed to cherish every minute of it. I signed quickly and left to enter my aunt's car but I found George,Natasha and Catherine outside.

"We heard you were going Cherry and we decided to see you off" Natasha said. They looked genuinely sad and I felt bad,I have always tried to ruin their life but they were here for me. I broke down but they held me and consoled me.

"Am sorry" I apologized. The ride to the airport was a cool one because I spoke with them about a lot of things.

"Catherine I have something for you" I said when we got to the airport. I brought out the pink envelope and gave it to her. She smiled and then hugged me. George and Natasha gave me a bracelet and Catherine gave me a pen.

"All passengers boarding flight......" The voice over the speaker announced.
I moved to my plane after the necessary clearance. I gave them my last wave and entered my plane. I switched off my gadgets and placed my head on the chair,the plane slowly moved on the tarmac and soon we were lifted up to the air.

Bye Nigeria
Bye friends
Till we see again.

Catherine's POV

I felt pains in my heart as I watched the plane lifted towards the sky,I never knew that the 'wicked witch' as I presumed her to be could be good. I was lost in my thoughts and didn't notice that George had wrapped his hands around me.

"People come and go Catherine, don't feel too sad,that's just life" he said and I nodded and reflected on his words,probably one day George will go too and the thought of it made me hold him closer.

When I got home, I opened the pink envelope and found a neatly folded paper, I opened it gradually and saw Cherry's curvy and beautiful handwriting.

Dear Catherine

I know we weren't best of friends but now I realize that all my actions were crazy. I know all I ever did was to bring problem but I hope you can forgive me.

Please take care of George, he loves you and adores you, you might not know but its true. It might just be high school love but enjoy it baby girl because it might just be bigger.
I love you all and I will miss you guys.


I smiled after reading it, Cherry was such a sweet soul. I tucked the letter safely into my bag and got ready for my debate.

Hey guys,sorry its a short chapter, I might not be updating regularly due to power problems, its a very annoying situation honestly.

Thanks for taking my book to 1k,it means a lot ❤❤❤

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Gat to go now, my phone is just 3%.

Yours wattpadly,

MY NAIJA HIGH SCHOOL STORY✔️Where stories live. Discover now