Chapter 12

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Dedicated to A1meerah

Catherine's POV

I couldn't believe that I had been deceived by Natasha and George. I couldn't stop thinking of my narrow escape from death in the hands of Cherry. That girl was really a monster.

And George,that jerk, to hell with him, he really had some nerves. I tried hard to stop the tears threatening to fall from my eyes and my mind was like

"Catherine be a strong girl,don't cry,his just a boy"

I hissed "Leave me jor you don't know it's painful"  I said to my mind. Chai, I think am running crazy oh

The scorching sun was burning through my skin and I decided it was time I board a bus with the little money I had. I arrived home in due time and I was so angry that I slammed the door very hard.

"Who released that mad dog?" Aunty Rose asked sarcastically and walked into the sitting room carrying a plate heaped to the top with white rice, hot steaming stew and fried plantain. The sight made my stomach make funny noises and I clutched it.

Hunger Activating
Fainting Loading 50%....

"Good afternoon ma" I greeted. She was already sitting on her chair, her eyes were fixed on the Bollywood movie she was watching on Zee World, they were already dancing and singing as usual  ...Indian film.

"Where are you coming from?" She asked fixing her big eyeballs on me. I looked at the clock that was hanging on the wall,I was an hour late.

"Aunty I had to go to my friend's house and collect a notebook and a textbook I needed" I had to lie about the textbook

"So you think am stupid, you go about chasing boys abi,you want to bring shame upon me, I will kill you today"my aunty threatened and stood up.

"Aunty please, am not tell lies" I begged, running was very useless at that moment, she slapped me and I could see the spit that escaped from my mouth, the stinging effect was powerful,next I felt a sharp pain on my hand,she was hitting me with the television remote all over.

When she was satisfied that she had dealt with me,she sat on her chair
"Stupid girl, go and get pregnant, sell your body,you will bear the shame alone" she said

"And don't think of touching my food, that's your punishment and make sure you wash all my clothes and clean the toilets and remember you are working in my shop today,so hurry up" My aunty instructed and focused on the television.

I stifled my cries and dragged my body to my room.

The next day I woke up very tired,I had spent my night working at my aunt's shop where she sold clothes and when I returned home,I  tried reading my English notebook since we had a test.

I knelt down and thanked my creator for the new day and asked him to bless my day. I brushed hurriedly and then had my bath.

My uniform was then hurriedly ironed since I couldn't do it the previous day. I ironed my wet socks to make it dry. It's not like am lazy,just part of school life. I didn't bother to check myself since I had little time to  spend at home. I ran quickly out of the house and walked to school. Other kids were also going to school dressed in different colours of uniform, some with cars,others by bus and others trekking like me. The streets was already noisy and my head was already aching,I still felt the effect of my aunt's slap.

Suddenly I heard the hooting of a car horn and I stopped. It was a posh Lamborghini,the glasses were rolled down and then the face came in view.

"Care for a ride?"

MY NAIJA HIGH SCHOOL STORY✔️Where stories live. Discover now