Chapter 4

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La fete by Falz the bahd the guy like kilode💓...Enjoy

Catherine's POV

It was a Thursday and we were all dressed in our sport wears and I belonged to the ever victorious Green house and George belonged to blue house,that boy can run for Africa. He was quite a wonderful athlete and he ran with so much grace and speed like a cheetah.

"Catherine you have to run or cheer for our runners" A teacher said beside me,I looked at the cheer group filled with arrogant girls that I don't get along with but I wasn't a bad athlete.

"I will run" I said. I chanted a song as I went to the starting line,my eyes met with George's and he had an unreadable expression and he was smirking at me.

We both haven't had a proper conversion after the drama,the drama had ended up well and we were friends..kinda....if looking at me when Josh was talking to me counts.

The whistle went off.
I heard it and I started running with so much strength and the more I ran the more speed I gained and I finished first and wow, people were just cheering and whistling. I was on cloud 9, basking in the euphoria of my victory.

I was happy but quite exhausted.

"Take some water" it was no other person than George,to say I was shocked was an understatement,I never knew he would ever speak to me and I was sure the surprise was clearly all over my face.

"Thanks" I took about 3 gulps
"It's not like I'm thirsty" I took 2 more and the container was empty

  "I know" he replied sarcastically but with a smile.

  Two days later, I found George brooding over what I could not figure out.

   "Hi"I waved.

He looked at me with stone cold eyes
"What is it?" He asked as if we were enemies.

"I was just passing by and I decided to check on you" I said.

"When did we become close friends that check on each other?" He asked me looking crossed.
"Excuse me" he said and walked to the door.

"Well I understand you might be having mood swings but that  doesn't mean you should spoil everyone's mood" I told him

I walked out of the class without looking back.

 As I walked to my class,I saw some group of girls,I liked the way they spoke and carried themselves modestly but at the same time they were classy.

  "Hi" one of the girls said to me.
Friendly_checked at least not all the girls in this school were snobs.

  "Hello" I said,she had this dimple,beautiful eyes and pink lips that looked familiar, where have I see this well carved face

"You are Catherine right?,the new student?" She asked.

"Yes" I replied wondering how she knew my name.
 "Am your classmate cos I'm also in science class but I resumed today,you are new right?"

"Yeah,kind of" I said smiling sweetly.
"OK,am Natasha Kish nice to meet you" she said and left,it was then I remembered that Vera told me about George's twin,she was his twin!

Damn,I like this girl,straight to the point and friendly.

 My mind darted off to George's attitude, what could be his problem, I hissed as I remember mine and I remember all the chores I had to do when I get home...wash all the clothes,cut grasses, go to the market,wash toilets and probably massage her,I hissed again. George had no right to be angry,his just forming unnecessary slay boo. I laughed as I remembered social media boys,they use snap chat, writing nonsense like "I don't care if you hate me".. What nonsense, why will anybody hate you,you are using 100naira airtime, soaking garri and salt,wearing starched shirt and using a Nokia torchlight phone...arrant rubbish.

I chuckled within me and my eyes met with George's, his eyes were soft and had no message in them. I walked into my class quickly

 Two days later at the canteen, I stood on  the queue to get my regular but then George appeared from nowhere and ordered them for me and also paid.

"Its not like I can't pay " I  said,truth be told,I honestly wanted to buy something else with my money and I was grateful to George.

" I didn't ask you to tell me"George said chuckling.

"Thank you" I said and sat on my table and he left but not without pressing a small note into my hand, I couldn't wait to read it,I ate quickly and left and I went to my class. I opened it and found a beautiful handwriting that could be considered a work of art.

You this girl,you can form for Africa, enjoy your snacks oh,have a nice day, lots of love and stop staring at me sometimes, I know am cute ❤and am sorry about the other time,just mood swings💓💓...

   I smiled and I turned only to meet Joyce's bent head,that girl can gossip ,I never liked that girl for once.
  "You are such a poke noser, what's your problem, why are you bending your head to read,is it for both of us?" I asked really irritated.

  "Sorry oh" she said in that her ameboish (gossiper's) voice and walked away, I really disliked the girl with that her long mouth and ears that look like satellite.


Well that's Catherine's POV. Thanks to all those reading this book but please
I would really be happy,please make me happy.
Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter.

Garri=its a staple food eaten by many people in Nigeria.
Meet me in the next chapter, bye chocolates.

Yours wattpadly,

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