Chapter 3

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A cover made by a beautiful lady:soco,bobo,aje,said etc...... Enjoy💓💓💓

George's POV

"Look Felicity,am tired, am no longer interested,you are just too clingy and not my type" I shouted over the phone and dropped it. God!
I hate some girls,they behave like bitches,too clingy and throwing theirselves at me.

Felicity was my latest girlfriend and I was already fed up with her attitude,always jealous and behaving like am some sort of her property. I had already broken up with her at school but she still called me.

I had thought she was different, she had a fair skin with full pink lips and she looked quiet and I knew I felt nothing for her but I still went ahead to date her and she was so easy.

But I think one girl was about to be different

Just then Natasha entered my room without knocking.
"Hey big bro" she said casually.

She was wearing a pink shirt and a pink bum short...too much pink.

Natasha can be very silly ,my twin sister but I was older than her by five minutes and she only acknowledged am the eldest when she was in need or trouble or up to some mischief.

"Natasha can't you knock" I asked. Natasha rolled her eyes and hissed.

"Why should I knock,aren't you my brother?" She asked.

"Have you ever heard of a word called privacy and what if I was dressing" I asked her.

"And so,it's not like I haven't seen you like that before and what are you hiding that I haven't seen"


She was so blunt too.

"What do you want" I asked her when she sat on my bed like it was hers.

"Nothing" she replied almost immediately "why did you break up with Felicity?" She asked facing me,one of her brows raised.

"What's your business?" I asked her raising one of my brow too

"But you are a wicked soul,how could you just break up with her like that,I thought you both were an item and you liked her" she said.

"So she called you?" I asked her with a grin on my face.

"What's amusing this one,she sounded so brokenhearted, boys are so wicked" Natasha said frowning her face like some sort of decayed food.
I laughed really hard.

"Boys like Charles abi?" I asked.

Charles was Natasha's crush,probably first but Charles was a serious guy who had no time for girls,he had probably suffered from a heart break and when Natasha tried to make moves,he rebuffed her to her face. Well that was few years ago when she was still naïve, now she was a player and she hates any topic about Charles

I saw a pillow coming towards me, I couldn't dodge on time

"I hate you" she said and walked towards my door and made sure she slammed it hardly.

"I hate you too" I shouted after her and smiled, picked my phone,logged in and I was faced with lots of chats.

"I was just offline for few minutes!"I nearly exclaimed.


Who loves Natasha? Well I do,she's the real Bae,well am sensing some chemistry.. If you know,you know.


Please its just chapter three,the next is Catherine's POV, more drama and its going to quite long. Please like, vote and comment.
Yours wattpadly,

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