Chapter 9

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You guys really have to join me and thank God oh. Wattpad just settled down and deleted this book but God pass their power oh😂. Please enjoy!

No kissing baby by patoranking and sarkordie,heart the song like 😍😍😍

George's POV

School was really stressful especially on Mondays. I wonder who made weekdays 5 and weekends just 2!.

The math class didn't help matters neither did the financial accounting class,filled with calculations, subjects sent from hell to torture  me.

If I catch that person that brought the idea of maths.

 I couldn't wait to be back home honestly. My mum had promised to cook my favorite which was jollof rice with fried plantain. She usually called me her baby and though I protested, I secretly enjoyed it.

 The limousine parked in front of the main building and I picked my bag,opened the door and walked towards the building. It was a mansion built by world class engineers. It was painted white which made it looked like a palace. The wonderful fountain at the front was a sculpture of an angel,the water was gushing out from the mouth of the angel.

I opened the door and the sweet scent of food welcomed me,I was already imagining how I was going to devour the food when my eyes widened on seeing someone,oh God!

What the hell was Cherry doing in my house?

Her name was ridiculous but indeed it was her name. Cherry was my childhood friend, best friend in fact and at some point my crush. She was an half caste, a Korean father who she lived with close to my house and a Nigerian mother whom she knew nothing about. She was the first girl I kissed and I still regret.

 Cherry was a crazy girl in the sense that she did things without minding if it hurts people or not,but I knew it was due to the depression issues she had. Natasha wasn't close to her at all,She secretly detested herand worst of it all;she's our family friend.

 Cherry travelled to Korea last year but right now she was in my sitting room smiling like she stole the world cup successfully. She was quite beautiful, tall like a model with hazel eyes, macho brown skin and a long hair. She was wearing a blue gown that fitted her perfectly.

"Hi George,are you going to hug me or will you keep staring at me like I fell from the sky?" She asked in her high pitch voice before pulling me into a hug.

"Cherry what are you doing here?" I asked when I finally found my voice.

"What sort of question is that, aren't you supposed to be happy?,didn't you miss me?" She asked dramatically.

"Sorry but am just surprised" I replied calmly.

"Well, things just popped up and I had to come back to Nigeria. Forget about it but George you have grown taller and more handsome" she said almost in a whisper and I noticed she stressed the last word.

 "Thanks you aren't looking bad too" I said and winked

Bad boy mode activating.

 I moved quickly to the kitchen to greet my mum. Mrs Kish,my everyday joy. She looked more like Natasha. She was slim and her brown eyes always lit with happiness. The kitchen was tiled in her favorite color which was ash. Weird right?

The sink was  littered with onions wraps, few plates and some pots. Two pots  were well balanced on the gas cooker and steams kept escaping from the pots. The kitchen was a bit hot despite the fact that the windows were opened.

MY NAIJA HIGH SCHOOL STORY✔️Where stories live. Discover now