13. Selfish pt2

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When I stepped into the house, I could feel the weird vibe from everyone. It didn't feel like how it use to be, and it damn sure didn't feel this way last night when I came.

I walked into the kitchen to see Darrin leaning on the counter drinking juice from out his cup.

"What's up Darrin I haven't seen you in a few years," I walked up to him with my hand extended.

He looked me up and down but gave me a handshake.

"Yeah man how you been?" He swallowed hard.

"Life has been great, so let's cut to the chase. I should shove my fist down your mother fucking throa-"

"Chris!" Zari yelled at me as she pulled me back from him. I looked at him with a smirk and chuckled.

"Pick your side wisely my nigga."

"Stop it," Zari pulled me out of the kitchen and into the living room, but not once did I take my glance away from Darrin.

I turned to look at Zari and mugged down at her.

"You need to come home with me and you know it. Nobody here is going to protect you like I can."

"You were protecting me?" She looked at me crazy as she pointed her finger at me. "You just not so long ago choked the shit out of me and been lying to me even after we died again, so what have you been protecting me from exactly?"

"Zari do not do that. How did you expect me to react when Cairo came back to the house basically stating you didn't want Reagan and Malani back? Then on top of that you saying that maybe if it's your time it's your time? What kind of selfish shit is that Z?" I mugged back at her. Yeah, I know I shouldn't have put my hands on her, but I couldn't control myself. How could she possibly say all those things when she just promised me that we'll have our family again?

"Things changed after I found out that all you wanted was power," Zari folded her arms over her chest.

"You listening to him even after I told you what was up? Were you not listening when I said I didn't give a shit about any of that? I can't lose you again Z and you know that," I pointed my finger at her. "You about to piss me off."

"What are you going to do?" She squinted her eyes.

"Don't test me Zariana, I don't mind fucking you up in the house," I warned her.

"Trust me we fucked all over this house so it really wouldn't matter," She arched her brow.

I arched mines as well and wondered what was going on with her, but I didn't have time for her games. If she has a plan, she needs to let me know now instead of acting out of character like this.

"Oh no you're back too?" I looked up from Zari to look over her shoulder.

"Hello Mrs. Cruz," I nodded lightly with a dull smile.

"So, you have my daughter on drugs? Got her in here screaming about kids, being a wife and her brother being possessed?" She arched her brow with her arms folded over her chest.

"She's not on drugs. She wouldn't be on drugs if she was with me," I arched my brow. "And maybe everything she's telling you is true."

"Chris," Zari sighed lightly as she put the hand with the ring on her finger on my chest. "Just stop."

I glanced down at her hand then looked up at her mom with a smirk on my face. Her mouth dropped as she stared at the thing on her finger.

"Zari?" She gasp.

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