5. And it starts

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Zariana Cruz:

Getting into bed, all I wanted to do was sleep. After Darrin and I got back home we ate and talked about the wall situation that I dreamt of and come to find out Darrin had that same dream to. He started explaining all the other kind of dreams he had over the past years and to be honest I couldn't believe none of it, just like my own. Turning the lamp off and throwing the covers over my head I closed my eyes only to have them pop open again. Throwing the covers off my head I looked towards the door at Darrin.

"What's up?" I asked as I wrapped the covers tightly around my shoulders.

"I mean to ask you, are you feeling better from early this morning?" He leaned on the door frame with his arms folded over his chest.

"What happened earlier?" I nudged my eye brows together. I don't recall anything bad happening this morning.

"You know, you came flying out the room crying talking about Chris or who the hell ever was in your bathroom scaring you and shit," Darrin walked in the room and laid across my bed.

Tilting my head to the side I couldn't quite figure out what he was talking about.

"You said that I saw Chris in my bathroom?"

"Yup, you came running to me scared as hell. You had tears in your eyes and everything," Darrin placed his hands behind his head as he looked up at the ceiling.

Closing my eyes, I laid there trying to figure out what he was talking about but then like a train everything hit me. Chris was indeed in my bathroom looking creepy and doing weird things.

"You know what I don't get?" I opened my eyes again to look down at Darrin.

"What?" Darrin turned his head to look at me as he turned on his side.

"How did I see Chris in my bathroom looking all creepy like, but he was at the shop all morning?" Wiping my mouth, I felt as though I could feel his hand wrap around my mouth again.

"Maybe your mind was playing tricks on you," Darrin shrugged. "That's how it been with me lately. I've been seeing two little girls playing in the backyard, they would turn around and look at me with a smile before yelling uncle and running towards the house."

"Oh yeah, you need to get checked," I laughed lowly trying to hide how creeped out I've just got. What is Darrin doing seeing little girls? And why the hell are they calling him uncle? I know for a fact I wasn't pregnant, plus I would have known if a baby was pushed out of this vagina.

"She looks like a perfect blend of you and some guy, a guy I can't put my finger on but yeah," Darrin ran his hand down his face.

"Well just know I think you're really seeing things. Two babies were not pushed out this body," I reassured him while laying on my side with the pillow folded under my arm.

"I know and that's the crazy thing," Darrin placed his hand back under his head and sighed deeply.

"I mean you always said you believe in ghosts, maybe you can see them now," I shrugged not really knowing what else I could say. I don't believe in ghosts or paranormal activities but what Darrin was speaking really gave me the chills.

"If it's like that then I don't want this shit. The weird ass dreams are enough," Darrin mugged at nothing in particular.

"Well do you know when the dreams started?" I asked while running my thumb over my index finger nail.

"As soon as I moved in this house."

Looking at Darrin I squinted my eyes at him.

"Really Darrin?"

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