8. This Means War?

832 70 19

Victoria Amelia Brown

I wasn't able to remember anything from last night. I don't know if I had drunk to much or what, but my head was killing me and my back was aching. Groaning lightly I sat myself up from the bed and looked around the room. Throwing the covers off my body I stood to my feet and walked towards the bathroom. Covering my mouth from the yawn I grabbed my toothbrush and lathered some toothpaste on it. Once I brushed my teeth and did my hygiene to my liking I walked out of the bathroom and back into the room.

"You seem a little better." Chris mumbled as he turned his head to look at me.

I nodded in agreement, then laid my body over his.

"I must have gotten a little too drunk last night. I dont remember anything that happened at the party. All I remember is preparing the house, making the drinks, and telling the girls bye." I sighed lightly as I crawled over him and laid my head on his chest.

"So much happened last night to the point where I had to tell everybody to leave early. It was just 2 in the morning." He ran his hand through my wild hair.

"What happened last night?"

"Towards the end the house lights started flickering, then all of a sudden it got cold as hell, like you can see the fog coming from everybody mouths. Then I don't know what happened but when you fell back then lights came on and your back was covered cuts and blood and shit felt like we was in a paranormal movie." He rubbed on my back lightly.

"Oh wow, that really happened?" I arched my brow as I sat up again.

"Hell yeah that really happened, I got so shitting I told you to go upstairs and then I cursed everyone out telling them that they got to go." Chris sat up as well. He leaned against the head board.

"Oh wow." I mumbled as I sat back with him.

"Yup, how your back feeling?" He licked on his lips scratched the back of his head.

"I mean, it's bothering me but it's okay I guess." I nodded.

"Let me see."

I leaned up and felt his warm fingertips brush against my neck. He pulled my shirt back and sighed.

"The scratches are still there."

I looked over my shoulder and shrugged.

"Oh well." I turned from him and sat on my knees. "So when your brothers and sister coming?" I asked.

Chris looked at me as if something was off about me, but shook it off and shrugged.

"They should be coming in a few, so go head and get washed up then come down and help me cook something." He threw the covers off him and stood to his feet.

"Okay." I stood on the bed and walked to the edge, "Are you going to help me pick and outfit?" I wrapped my arms around his neck and jumped on his back.

"Girl what for? They are not that important." He grumbled while carrying me to the closet.

"Family is important Chris." I rested my head in the crook of his neck.

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