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Are you crying right now?

Are you sad? Depressed? And not knowing what to do?

You are probably in the BREAKUP or MOVING ON stage. It is one of the most difficult phases in human experience, letting go of the person you've loved the most. It is an agonizing process that sometimes leads people to end their lives. It is a painful process wherein it needs lots of courage, strength determination and maturity to win. It is a mind over heart battle. A battle that we are not accustomed with, for in loving it's more on heart over mind.

Breakup doesn't happen abruptly. It is a series of events that you either see them coming or you are just blinded or denying the fact that they are actually happening. Either one or both of you have caused it or agreed upon it. It is an immanent situation that must be faced and settled either together or separately. Breakup is something not to be covered up by drinking alcoholic beverage and getting drunk. Either replacing immediately the person or finding a rebound relationship that will take away the pain. Breakup is a human experience that offers genuine lessons that we must learn in a painful manner.

Let this book be your companion right now. This book is a product of experiences of breakups and moving on along with the lessons coming from experts in the different fields. This is not a one size fits all guide. Its primary goal is TO ASSIST YOU IN A MATURE WAY as you go along this period in your life and eventually lead you towards complete healing. This book is not for the weak of heart but for those who are willing to listen, learn and grow. TAKE ONE CHAPTER DAILY so that you may absorb the message of each lesson. This is not a novel. We are not also here to fast forward the healing process but to take one step at a time. Read also the Bible verse assigned each day. Use it as a prayer and draw inspiration from it. As Psalm 119: 105 says 'Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light to my path', may the Word of God light your way. 

By the way, this book is a PASS IT ON BOOK or E-BOOK. It is not intended to collect dust in your bookshelf or to be stocked in your documents in your computer or smart phone. It is meant to be passed on to people who are undergoing the same process you are in to. So after reading this, kindly share it so that other people might find inspiration and healing through this book.

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