Chapter 13 WORTH

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Breakups leave people confused. Some are totally lost or are totally messed up. They feel so empty and worthless. Then, they start questioning their worth as a person is or if they still have the worth. It is caused by the feeling of separation and anxiety after the breakup. As a result, they then mess up their lives and really stop taking care of themselves; a sad reality after breakup.

Let me ask you a question. Do you want a 1000 peso bill? If yes, I think you are starting to think what you are going to do with the money. Now, if I crumple the 1000 pesos would you still want it? What if I stump over it, sneeze on it then wash it with soap and water, would you still want it? Probably your answer is still YES, right? Why is that so? It is because whatsoever I do will the money it doesn't lose its value. You can still clean it and let it dry, and then you can buy McDonald's or anything you want to buy with the money. For whatever I do with the money aside from burning it I can never diminish its value. The value and its worth still remain.

What is my point then? Same as you are, after encountering this stage in your life, whatever you look and feel at yourself right now never devalued you. Even if you get dumped and feel useless and worthless, your value as a person still remains. You are so precious and one of a kind that nothing can undervalue you. Even if you got cheated on and thinking that the person who replaced you has higher value than you, well, you are definitely wrong. The value of the person who cheated on you and the person who replaced you can never and will never devalue you. Your worth as a person doesn't depend on a single person only. It doesn't depend on other people's outlook on you. Your value is what is inside of you. On how you look at and love yourself. That is how you can define your value. Only you can devalue yourself and never with other people.

Do you feel messed up? Do you want to look messed up? You shouldn't be because you are NOT a mess. Your value is far greater than a diamond and no money in this world can equal your worth. If during this period you feel like a mess, don't look like one. Pamper yourself. Go to the salon/ barbershop and have a makeover. Dress up and make yourself presentable. This is not covering up. You are just showing your true value. You are a MASTERPIECE. Not all masterpieces are appreciated by people and that's a fact. Yet more than one person in this world appreciates and knows your real value. Because you are rare, unique and one of a kind. Hence, the first person who should know your value is you.

Never define your worth on a single situation in your life. Look at your achievements and accomplishments. Look how far you've reached already. Those were not caused by an individual person outside of you but were accomplished by you. Pat your shoulder. Give yourself a compliment for you achievements in life. You just lost one inspiration but you still have many, your family. Do not forget to appreciate them for they are the one who truly know your value. Shower them with hugs and kisses because they are the people who will never turn their back on you since they know your real worth. Surround yourself with people who know your value. You need lots of hugs and appreciation on this stage so get them from people who truly value you.

Do not focus on the past. Look at the people who have been there all the time but you're not noticing them preoccupied with a single person. The process continues and levels up when you know, acknowledge and accept that you are far too valuable to waste your time on people who doesn't appreciate you. That is why never let the person who broke you come back while you are in this healing stage. That person doesn't know your value and would just probably use you. If the person's intention is good, let him/her wait until you are fully healed. If the person waited you then that person during this moment truly knows your worth and value.

Bible Verse of the day:

Psalm 8

2 O Lord, our Lord, how awesome is your name through all the earth!

3I will sing of your majesty above the heavens with the mouths of babes and infants. You have established a bulwark against your foes, to silence enemy and avenger.

4 When I see your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and stars that you set in place—

5 What is man that you are mindful of him, and a son of man that you care for him?

6 Yet you have made him little less than a god, crowned him with glory and honor.

7 You have given him rule over the works of your hands; put all things at his feet:

8 All sheep and oxen, even the beasts of the field,

9 The birds of the air, the fish of the sea,

and whatever swims the paths of the seas.

10 O Lord, our Lord,

how awesome is your name through all the earth!

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