Chapter 20 The Sorry you won't get

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In case there was no closure or there was no reconciliation, the one word that you want to hear from your ex is 'sorry' or 'forgive me'. Hearing these words would not vindicate you but will definitely help in the healing process. These words have calming effect but actually you don't even need to hear them because you've already forgiven the person.

Yes, unconsciously because of your love for the person you've forgiven him/her already. Even though you're saying that you cannot forgive the person for the pain he/she had caused, actually you had. Because of your love for the person that able you to forgive even without hearing those words of pardon; sometimes those words don't come so easy from the person who hurt you. Yet forgiveness is always rooted in love, a love for the person that continually and unintentionally lingers in your heart.

What if the person who hurt you or have caused you pain ask for forgiveness, and then you are to forgive. There was a question raised by a student to me once. She asked: 'what if my ex asks for forgiveness but I am not ready to forgive should I force myself to forgive? The answer is NO. Forgiveness although gratuitously given should not be forced. Sometimes it takes a long time to forgive and it can never be forced out. If your ex is asking for forgiveness and you are not ready, be honest then. Tell him/her 'I accept your sorry but give me time to fully forgive you'. Never deny a repentant ex of the forgiveness he/she is asking. In the positive side, at least the person has already acknowledged that he/she has hurt you. Assure the person that time will come and you will be able to forgive and understand him/her and then that's settled.

Teach your heart to forgive even if it is full of pain and is hurting. Teach yourself to forgive. First, forgive yourself. Forgiving yourself is giving yourself the room to start again. Forgiving yourself is a sign that you love yourself and that you are ready to face the new morning. Forgive those who hurt you, it will give you peace of mind. You are then starting to unload the burden you are carrying in your heart and also freeing yourself from the pain you are experiencing. Through this process you will see yourself completely free even though there was no 'sorry' or 'forgive me'. Forgive, it will give you freedom and peace of mind.

Bible Verse of the day:

Luke 17: 3 – 4

3 Be on your guard! If your brother sins, rebuke him; and if he repents, forgive him.

4 And if he wrongs you seven times in one day and returns to you seven times saying, 'I am sorry,' you should forgive him."

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