Chapter 11 Navigating your Way

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Have you been in a maze? Or have you work on a big jig saw puzzle? It's quite confusing right? In a maze you don't know if your direction is really going out of the maze and you have no idea. In a Jig Saw Puzzle every piece looks exactly the same as you start. Well, the stage of moving on is like that, confusing. Most people get confused as they start the healing process. They don't know if the way they are setting of is the right way. Sad to say, the process doesn't follow a straight path. There will be turns and curves that looks very familiar or the whole terrain looks very the same. The experience is like going on a loop or just going around circles.

We must keep on reminding yourself in this process that where you are right now is going to end. You just need strong determination to successfully complete the process. Yet there is always good news, as long as you don't quit, what is important is that you are making a progress. It doesn't need to be very fast. Moving on is not a race of who arrives first at the finish line. Everyone has his/her own phasing and we are not in competition with anyone. The important thing to remind yourself is that whatever strategy, stage or course/way you are taking right now is that you are navigating it correctly and you are decided to finish the process.

In the process of navigating your way, what is important is to seek help either professional or just friendly advice. Seek the counsel of the people who have been in the same situation or who are expert in the field of guidance counselling or life coaching. Be selective; choose only the people you trust and those who can really help you. Whenever you seek advice make sure that you will be receptive and will listen with an open heart and ears. Their advices and strategies will be of big help in navigating along the way. If you seek an advice and you have something in mind that you want to clarify if that will be right, make sure you are also open to positive criticism. They might have the best way and you need to be open to it. These people have been in the same situation and they have managed to navigate their way. So, their insight, strategies and techniques will be a valuable insight.

Keep in mind, their insight will help but create your own map that will lead your way out. Navigate the maze with the help of people around you. You are not alone in this fight. All you need is to ask and people will be helping you on your way out. You are not alone in this journey. Help will come to those who seek for it and those who are willing to learn. This is a learning process. A process that is hard yet fulfilling in the end.

Bible Verse of the day:

Hebrews 12: 1 – 3

1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us rid ourselves of every burden and sin that clings to us and persevere in running the race that lies before us

2 while keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, the leader and perfecter of faith. For the sake of the joy that lay before him he endured the cross, despising its shame, and has taken his seat at the right of the throne of God.

3 Consider how he endured such opposition from sinners, in order that you may not grow weary and lose heart.

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