1 week later

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Lisa's POV
It's been a week since Jimmy's been born and I've been in the hospital all that time. The saddest thing about all of this is that I only got to see him whenever he needed to be fed. The rest of the time, Jimmy had to be in a separate room while the doctors did all types of tests on him to make sure he was ok.

But, the happy news is that little Jimmy and I get to go home today. Dean and Cas are here to help me get back home and help me with Jimmy.

Currently, I'm getting ready in the hospital room bathroom. Putting on pants hurt a bit but it wasn't unbearable. I brushed my teeth and walk out of the bathroom. I'm so happy to be going back home and being able to actually see and hold Jimmy from now on.

Cas and Dean are packing up my stuff and signing me out. I walk out of the bathroom and the nurses hand me Jimmy. I take him in my arms and we make our way to the Impala.

Once everything was all packed up in the Impala and Jimmy was buckled into the car seat we got in the car and started heading home.

"Hey guys, can we a stop before going home?" I asked Dean.

"Sure, where to?" Dean asked.

"I want to take Jimmy to visit his father." I explained.

"Uh, sure." Dean said and started heading towards the cemetery.

"Thank you, Dean." I said.

"You're welcome." He said.

~10 minutes later~
We arrived at the cemetery and I got Jimmy out of his car seat and made our way to his grave. I looked at his grave and soon started crying. All those memories we had rushed back to me and I couldn't stop crying.

A few minutes later I finally got a hold of myself and wiped away my tears. I stayed silent for a minute before I started talking.

"Hey Jimmy, this is our son. I named him after you and he looks a lot like you as well. I wish you were here to see our son. I love and miss you so much. I miss you everyday of my life but I'm glad you're in a better place now." I said to his grave.

"I have decided that I'm going to take Jimmy here every week so that we can both visit you." I continued.

I looked at his grave and stayed silent for a few minutes before I left. But before I left I knelt down and kissed his grave and said bye before getting back up and walking towards the Impala.

I got to the Impala and put Jimmy in his car seat. I got in and we made our way home. I wiped away my tears and just kept looking over at Jimmy as he fell back asleep.

"You ok, Lisa?" Dean asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just hard for me still." I said.

"I know. But you're not alone in this. Cas and I are here to help you with the baby and everything." Dean reassured me.

"I know and I'm really thankful for that. You guys are the best." I said and smiled.

"Hey, that's what friends are for." Dean said and smiled.

~20 minutes later~
We got home and Cas and Dean started taking my stuff out of the trunk and brought it inside. I sat in the Impala for a little bit after Cas and Dean went inside.

I heard a flutter of wings and turned to see Castiel.

"Hey Castiel." I said.

"Hello, Lisa. It's going to be ok. I know." He said.

"I know it's going to be ok. It's just hard that Jimmy isn't here to see his own son or daughter grow up." I said and started crying again.

"I know, Lisa. But he is here, in a way. He's watching after you guys from heaven. He's really happy." He said and gave me a hug. I hugged him back.

~10 minutes later~
Castiel had to go back to heaven and I've been sitting in the Impala for the last 10 minutes. Jimmy was still sound asleep.

I got out the car, got Jimmy out, and went inside. Cas and Dean were in the living room just watching TV and talking to each other. I looked down at Jimmy and he started stirring a little bit but he was still asleep. I sat down next to Cas and Dean while Jimmy slept soundly in my arms.

~20 minutes later~
Jimmy woke up crying so I changed him. When that didn't work I went into my room and fed him. He stopped crying and fell back asleep soon after.

~30 minutes later~
I've been feeding him for the past 30 minutes and he hasn't woken up yet, so I stop feeding him and he's still asleep. I slowly get up and put him in his crib that Cas built for me when I was in the hospital. Jimmy was still asleep, so I grabbed the baby monitors and started setting them up. I kept one in my room and took the other one downstairs with me.

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