The King of all the Oceans

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Dean's POV
I called Lisa downstairs and Cas explained to Lisa that I was the King of all the Oceans. Needless to say she was shocked and excited. She congratulated me and asked me how I felt about being the King.

"Thanks, Lisa. It feels a bit weird but it's also really cool. I've never been the king of anything and now I'm the King of all Oceans. I can give mer people their powers back, take away their powers, or turn them human." I explain.

"I can also kill the underwater dragon." I continue.

Her jaw drops after I say that I can kill the underwater dragon.

"Can you feel any connections? When you're a mer person you can feel a connection towards someone when their in trouble." She explains.

"I don't f...hold on, I'm getting a connection. This person is really sad. Hold on, I'll be back. Their connection is getting sadder and sadder. I'll be back, guys." I say as I'm walking back inside my house only to go out the front door.

I got into my car and the connection started getting stronger and stronger as I got closer to this person. I was at someone's house. I turned off my car and knocked on the door. A few minutes later, Meg answered the door. She was crying and she just embraced me as soon as she saw me.

"Hey Dean, what are you doing here?" She asked.

"Meg, are you a mermaid?" I asked.

She looked at me shocked. Then, she nodded.

"Dean, you can not tell Zachariah about me being a mermaid. I really want to tell him because I trust him but I know I can't tell anyone about being a mermaid."

"Meg, this isn't going to make sense to you yet but I need to show you something. It's something that I just found out today. Just when I got home actually." I explained and she nodded.

I go on the patio and take off my shirt and jeans before jumping into her pool. My tail comes back as well as the crown.

"Holy mother of all mer people!" She says speechless.

"I had a strong connection and I felt that you were sad. So, I followed the connection all the way here. Why are you sad?" I asked.

I don't want to be a mermaid anymore. I want to be a human so that I can be with Zachariah and not have to worry about going in the pool or being around water. I just want a normal life. Please Dean, you have to help me out. Turn me into a human." She explains while crying.

I get out of the pool and dry myself off. I put my clothes back on and embrace her again and try to calm her down. She embraced me tighter and held onto me for a few minutes.

After a few minutes she left go of me. I took out of my pocket and called Cas. One ring and he answered.

"Hey, are you ok? Where are you?" Cas rushed out.

"Yeah I'm fine. I'm actually at Meg's house right now. The connection took me here and she said that she wants me to turn her into a human." I explain.

"I need you to tell me how to get the King of all Oceans book, or guide." I continued.

"I don't think there's a book for the King. Sorry, Dean." He said.
"Well, do you at least have some idea on how I can turn her into a human?"

"I've got it! Jump in the pool with her and use your trident to take away her tails. There's no spell you have to say, just use your trident." He explained.

"Ok. I'll call you after we're done and I'll tell you if it worked or not." I explained.

"Ok, bye." He said.

"Bye." I hung up.

I put my phone on the patio table and asked Meg if she was ready to jump in. She nodded and we jumped in.

10 seconds later we both got our tails and my trident appeared in my hand. I pointed it to her tail and there was a yellow light coming from it. It looked like lightning.

"Are you ok?" I asked Meg.

She looked like she was about to cry.

"It hurts a bit but I'm fine." She said.

20 seconds later, a ball of light shined in front of her and I coved my eyes. The light disappeared and I uncovered my eyes. I looked at her and her tail was gone. She was in the clothes that she had on before. She smiled at me and swan towards me. She hugged me and thanked me.

"Thank you so much, Dean. I'm so happy right now. Now, I can finally be with Zachariah!" She said with the biggest smile ever.

"You're welcome. But just to make sure it worked for real, try to use your powers." I said.

She nodded and she stuck out her hand. She tried to move the water with her hand but it didn't work. She turned back to me and smiled.

"It worked!" She said excitedly.

She hugged me again before we got out of the pool. Once we were out of the pool I dried myself off and I was back to a human.

I got up and immediately called Cas to tell him that it worked. He was happy as well as Meg and I.

Meg kept smiling the whole time after getting out of the pool.

"I'm going to go get you a towel and then I have to go. Enjoy being a human, Meg." I said before walking inside her house.

I went into the bathroom and then remembered that she wasn't going to have any towels because she was a mermaid and she didn't need towels. I went back outside and just dried her off by using my powers.

"Alright, bye Meg." I said.

"Bye, Dean. Thank you again." She said.

I smiled and waved goodbye. I left her house and made my way back home.

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