The Boy

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When you get home from acting class your aunt and uncle are still at work. You grab a snack and scroll around on your insta page. Suddenly you see that 700 people started following you! Holy shit you think by yourself. You also see that Tom had sent you a text. You open it and read:

Tom: Heey y/n it's Tom! The directors are okay with you auditioning!

y/n: Thats great! Thanks Tom i really appreciate it.

Tom: Yeah no problem! You were really good.

y/n: Thanks again! When are the auditions?

Tom: In two weeks

y/n: Okay! and thanks for the follow on instagram😜

Tom: Yeah hope my fangirls don't go wild on you.😅

y/n: I can handle some 14 year old girls😉

Tom: Do you maybe want to grab dinner tonight to celebrate that you can audition?

y/n: Thats sounds lovely 😊

Tom: Great! Text me the address and i'll pick you up at seven?

y/n: See you then

You text Tom the address and started freaking out! What are you going to wear?! It's 5 p.m so you had two hours to get ready. First a quick shower, you blow dried your hair and were surprised that it looked very good. Wait hold up, you thought, did Tom Holland asked you on a date? You face-timed Claire and told her what happened 'OMG OMG OMG' is the only thing that come out of her mouth. 'Claire! Focus on the outfit! Should i go casual or cute or fancy?' 'OMG OMG Y/N i think you should go cute!!! Wear that skirt that we bought last month.' You went to your closet and started searching.

 You decided to wear this ^^^^'GIRRLLL SLAAYY!' Claire screamed over the phone

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You decided to wear this ^^^^
'GIRRLLL SLAAYY!' Claire screamed over the phone. 'Yeah is this good?' 'Girl i love it good luck babe see you tomorrow! Tell me all the juice!' 'Ofcourse! Bye babe.' You hang up and see that it's already 7 Tom can be here any minute.

You heard a little nock on the door and when you opened it you saw Toms cute face. 'Hi!' you say 'Hi are you ready?' Tom ask 'Yes lets go!' 'You look really beautiful y/n.' You blush a little and hope Tom didn't see that. 'Thank you.' you reply. 'So where are we going?' you ask 'It's a surprise.' Tom says.

When you were there you couldn't believe your eyes. You were in Central Park, there was one table and everywhere you look you saw fairy lights. It was magical and you were speak less. 'Wow Tom.' you say 'Do you like it? If it's too much we can go somewhere else.' he nervously replies. 'No no it's beautiful. I love it. How did you do all this?' 'Well yeah I'm spider-man.' he joked and you both laughed. While you were eating you talked about a lot of stuff and it was really fun. That sad feeling just disappeared when you were with Tom. You didn't talk about your parents, but you did feel like you knew Tom for years. When you were both done Tom asked 'Do you maybe want to come with me to my hotel? We can watch a movie or something.' 'Yeah sure!' you reply 'My brother and friend are there too but they're really fun so you don't need to worry about that.' You two get to his hotel and he introduced you to his brother Harry 'Hi i'm Harry! Tom told us about you right after we caught him stalking your instagram!' you blushed and couldn't help but giggle a little bit. Tom stood there looking embarrassed and angry at his brother. 'Aye mate!' you hear someone say behind you. When you looked up you saw a really cute guy he said 'Heey you must be y/n. I'm Harrison.' 'Yeah hi. Nice to meet you.' you stuttered a little bit and looked back at Tom who stood there a little awkward. 'Okay which movie are we going to watch?' you ask Tom. He smiled and said 'You can pick. Your the guest.' The four of you watched The Maze Runner because it's your favorite movie! Sometimes you caught Harrison or Tom starring at you. But you didn't think it meant anything. When the movie finished you looked at the time and realized that you needed to go home. 'Thanks for the lovely evening guys but i need to go.' you say. You saw two disappointed faces and one was already asleep. That was Tom you didn't want to wake him up so you said goodbye to Harry and Harrison and told them to say thanks and bye from you to Tom. You went home with a smile on face.

Harrison POV
'That y/n girl was really cute.' you said to Harry, who was preparing to do a prank on Tom since he was asleep. 'Yeah.' Harry replied not really listening. You grabbed Toms phone and you sent y/n number to your phone. Was it too soon to text her? you thought by yourself. You decided to ask Harry 'Harry!' 'Yeah?' 'Do you think it's too soon to text y/n?' 'Do you like her?' 'I don't know. I definitely want to get to know her better.' 'Just text her man.' You grabbed your phone

Harrison: Hi y/n, it's Harrison. Tonight was fun! Maybe we could hamg out sometime?

The prank on Tom didn't work he was in a very deep sleep so you waited for y/n response but eventually you fell asleep.

My boyfriends best friend (Tom Holland x Reader)(Finished) Where stories live. Discover now